The Limited Times

“Car is full now”: Ludwig throws up while the Hummels are driving on vacation

4/8/2022, 7:09:34 PM

“Car is full now”: Ludwig throws up while the Hummels are driving on vacation Created: 04/08/2022Updated: 04/08/2022, 21:00 By: Alica Plate Cathy Hummel's son Ludwig had to vomit in the car. © Screenshot/Instagram/cathyhummels Traveling with a child always brings with it one or two surprises - Cathy Hummels felt that too. She and her son Ludwig went to South Tyrol by car. But the journey hit M

“Car is full now”: Ludwig throws up while the Hummels are driving on vacation

Created: 04/08/2022Updated: 04/08/2022, 21:00

By: Alica Plate

Cathy Hummel's son Ludwig had to vomit in the car.

© Screenshot/Instagram/cathyhummels

Traveling with a child always brings with it one or two surprises - Cathy Hummels felt that too.

She and her son Ludwig went to South Tyrol by car.

But the journey hit Mats Hummels' son hard on the stomach, which is why he had to throw up in the car.

Munich – Cathy Hummels (34) is currently going from one vacation to the next.

After spending weeks in front of the camera as a moderator for the new season "Battle of the Reality Stars", she is now enjoying the time with her little son Ludwig.

But the trip to South Tyrol was certainly different for both of them.

Cathy Hummels is vacationing in South Tyrol with her son Ludwig

Initially, the mood with Cathy Hummels and her son Ludwig seemed to be good, as her Instagram story makes clear.

They sit in the car, laugh and chatter away happily.

But a little later, the mood suddenly seems to change.

Because the four-year-old doesn't seem to have gotten well on the trip.

"Have now arrived in Italy and look how nice it is here," Cathy Hummels gives her Instagram followers an update and then shows the dreamlike accommodation of the two.

Cathy and Ludwig could certainly use a bit of relaxation, because the car trip has really upset their offspring's stomach.

Has the car ever been full?

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Cathy Hummels reveals her son didn't survive the car ride well

"Great ride, I'll tell you.

Ludwig got sick and then threw up too.

That means the whole car is full now and he's just sitting in the bathtub and being bathed,"

the TV presenter explains the extent of in her Instagram story.

Let's hope that the little one's stomach will recover quickly and that he can experience exciting things on vacation.

Because Ludwig seems to be adventurous and recently even took a ski course, as Cathy Hummels proudly explained.

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