The Limited Times

Analysis︱The new government faces many difficulties. Inviting people's livelihood and economic talents to join will help governance

4/8/2022, 11:09:19 PM

Li Jiachao's resignation as Chief Secretary for Administration was approved, and he officially announced his candidacy for the Chief Executive. An online press conference was held this afternoon (9th). Li Jiachao is the only candidate for the chief executive election, and there is no suspense, but Li Jiachao, who was born in the police force, has always been

Li Jiachao's resignation as Chief Secretary for Administration was approved, and he officially announced his candidacy for the Chief Executive. An online press conference was held this afternoon (9th).

Li Jiachao is the only candidate for the chief executive election, and there is no suspense, but Li Jiachao, who was born in the police force, has always been accused of being unfamiliar with economic and people's livelihood affairs.

As the SAR enters the 25th anniversary of the handover, Hong Kong's housing and poverty problems need to be resolved by the new government.

Some people believe that the government can invite people's livelihood and economic-related talents to join the government to help solve the deep-seated contradictions.

Hong Kong faces many challenges after 25 years of handover

In the past 25 years, Hong Kong has faced many challenges. The disparity between the rich and the poor, land and housing issues have always been unresolved problems. In recent years, there have been national security concerns.

In terms of economy, neighboring regions have developed rapidly in recent years. Hong Kong is often accused of slow progress and lack of new growth points.

Coupled with the aging population and increasing pressure on medical benefits, the new crown pneumonia epidemic may return, and the SAR government will have many difficulties to overcome in the future.

Political circles are almost certain that Li Jiachao will become the new Chief Executive.

However, Li Jiachao has served in the police force and the security bureau for a long time, and it is inevitable that some people think that he lacks experience in people's livelihood and economics.

In an interview with the media, NDP Chairman Ye Liu Shuyi said that government governance is about teamwork. It is suggested that people from different fields such as finance and finance should be recruited to join the government, or recruited to join the Executive Council to provide advice on policies.

Manpower should be considered in terms of public security, people's livelihood and economy

At present, there are still less than three months before the new government will take the stage. Some people think that the new chief executive can start from the problems faced by Hong Kong and find relevant external talents for assistance.

Politicians said that they can consider three major aspects of public security, people's livelihood and the economy, and recruit external experts to provide advice and assist in governance.

Since the Li family is beyond the police force and is particularly familiar with public security, the focus of external talents can be placed on the two major aspects of people's livelihood and economy.

Zhu Zhaolin: Attracting external talents can help governance

Zhu Zhaolin, a member of the National Association for Hong Kong and Macau Studies and the founder of the Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Center, agrees that the government can find external experts to deal with the above three areas.

He said that the government faces many problems that need to be solved, and that there are many relevant talents from all walks of life, including the business sector, political parties, think tanks, etc. In fact, if the new government can absorb them, I believe it will help in governance.

Zhu Zhaolin once wrote an article in "01 Lectures", advocating that officials should be held accountable and the transfer of talents in the civil service. In addition, more departments involving specialized knowledge, such as the Environment Bureau and the Innovation and Technology Bureau, should be expanded to expand the candidates for some supervisory positions to non-civil servants, thereby attracting more professionals.

In addition, he also proposed that officials and civil servants should establish cross-departmental, cross-regional and cross-domain thinking, strengthen departmental cooperation, and even complement the advantages of the mainland, so as to speed up the solution of social accumulation problems.

Zhu Zhaolin agrees that the government can find external experts to deal with the three major areas of public security, people's livelihood and economy.

(File photo/Photo by Zhong Weide)

It takes more than 1 month for foreign governments to organize classes

This is the first chief executive election after the improvement of the electoral system, and in the face of the fifth wave of the epidemic, the governance capacity of the new government will attract attention from the outside world.

Zhu Zhaolin said that in the face of the severe epidemic, the current government has made unremitting efforts to take various measures to maintain people's livelihood and the economy as much as possible while controlling the epidemic. question.

Li Jiachao held an online press conference at 2:30 p.m. today to explain the concept of the political platform. The society pays close attention to his views on economic and people's livelihood issues, and even how to lead Hong Kong to start anew and repair the tear.

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