The Limited Times

Dismantling a network of GPS thieves on boats

4/8/2022, 8:15:24 PM

A network of GPS thieves on boats sailing in the Channel, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean has been dismantled, announced Friday April 8 at the...

A network of GPS thieves on boats sailing in the Channel, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean has been dismantled, announced Friday evening April 8 the public prosecutor of Rennes, Philippe Astruc.

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Two men were arrested on Sunday April 3 in a hotel in Valette-du-Var (Var), the magistrate said in a press release.

Staying in France for a few days, the latter operated, according to the survey, “

via night raids throughout the national territory (Channel, Atlantic coast, etc.)


After a first series of thefts at the beginning of January in Loire-Atlantique and Vendée, the investigation had been entrusted to the Jirs (Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction, specially responsible for the fight against organized crime and financial delinquency) which opened an investigation "

of heads of organized gang robbery and association of criminals

, ”according to the press release from the prosecution.

"15 GPS and on-board computers"

At the end of March, “

the technical investigations made it possible to impute several new facts

” to the men arrested “

in the departments of Bouches-du-Rhône and Var.

Four parcels were intercepted before their departure for Romania in an export agency in Marseille.

Inside, 15 GPS and on-board computers from the various thefts committed since their return to France were discovered

”, in the words of Philippe Astruc.

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Having heard the facts, the two men in question "

recognized the thefts and confirmed that they were sending the stolen goods to relatives in Romania, which they then recovered in order to resell them via specialized sites


For the time being, 108 victims have been identified for damage of around 300,000 euros

”, according to the press release from the prosecutor.

The two defendants are “

summoned before the criminal court of Rennes on May 23 and 24 to respond to the facts of thefts in meetings with damage


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