The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Valérie Pécresse, the path strewn with pitfalls of a stubborn candidate

4/8/2022, 6:28:42 PM

GREAT STORY – Despite the difficulties and blunders noted during her fight, the candidate on the right will never have given up.

Valérie Pécresse reaches the first round of the presidential election covered with scars.

It was she who used this image to recall how


was spared her during this trying campaign.

External difficulties, internal clumsiness, personal edge faults… If the candidate from the right and the center managed to win her ticket for the second round on Sunday after such an avalanche of obstacles and dark sounding projections, her qualification would only be more spectacular.

Lucid in the face of the cruelty of the curves which evaluate his candidacy at less than 10% at the end of the campaign, his closest supporters cross their fingers while recognizing the height of the step to be taken.

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