The Limited Times

"Not professional", "too much money", "no leaders": the uncompromising observation of the president of Stade Français

4/12/2022, 7:28:38 AM

In an interview with L'Équipe, Hans-Peter Wild, the owner-patron of the Parisian club, lists the problems that plague his team. He talks very cash and announces changes.

“Stade Français is not professional enough”

“We have problems, it is very visible.

I don't hide it.

It saddens me for our supporters, who are always behind the team.

It saddens me personally, because I put a lot of money into the club.

Finally, since my arrival (in 2017, Ed), I always hear the same excuses.

The problem is deep.

I will repeat myself, but the Stade Français is not professional enough.

The culture of the club has never been professional.

On Sunday, we spent a lot of time with the staff to understand and determine specific actions that will allow us to change that.

(…) The discussions are over!

I want to change the culture of the club."

To discover

  • Schedule and Top 14 results

  • Ranking Top 14

“I have already spent 100 million euros and the results are not up to par”

“The other concern is that we have too much money.

We have a president (him, editor's note) who can offer a lot of money, but who can also lose a lot without finding himself up against the wall.

Whether we finish fourth, sixth, tenth or even fourteenth, it doesn't affect anyone directly.

Some players are paid dearly, but they don't behave like professionals.

(…) I don't like losing money.

I had promised to spend 100 million euros for the club.

It's already the case.

That's a lot of money.

And the results are not up to par.

To read alsoThomas Lombard (Stade Français): “all the players should have the same involvement…”

"There are players who do not have the level of the Top 14"

“We have no leaders.

We recruited one with Morgan Parra.

He will have an important role.

But it takes three or four who take over our group.

Gonzalo (Quesada) is working on it.

But today, there is an obvious lack.

(…) There are players who do not have the level of the Top 14. But there is one thing they can do: run!

Be in good physical condition.

It has nothing to do with talent!

So we want the players to give 150% on the field.

(…) Latu is a problem.

Latu mostly has an extra-sports problem with alcohol.

You have to recognize it, otherwise you will never solve the problem.”

“Our staff is not at the level”

“Today, we have a staff, but which is not at the level of Meyer's staff.

I thank Julien Arias and Laurent Sempéré (the assistants of Quesada) for the work they provide, but they are in the learning phase.

They were still players not so long ago.

We must therefore strengthen our staff with experienced coaches.

Gonzalo Quesada will be appointed director of rugby.

He will be the only responsible for the sportsman on all the structure of the club.

Then we are looking for two additional coaches (attack and defense) to strengthen our staff.

We will make announcements quickly.”