The Limited Times

Biden speaks of "genocide" in Ukraine

4/12/2022, 9:29:16 PM

Biden speaks of "genocide" in Ukraine Created: 04/12/2022Updated: 04/12/2022, 23:23 US President Joe Biden speaks of "genocide" in connection with the war in Ukraine. © Carolyn Kaster/AP/dpa Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of genocide. Now US President Joe Biden is finding similarly clear words. Washington - US President Joe Biden has spoken of "genocide" in view of

Biden speaks of "genocide" in Ukraine

Created: 04/12/2022Updated: 04/12/2022, 23:23

US President Joe Biden speaks of "genocide" in connection with the war in Ukraine.

© Carolyn Kaster/AP/dpa

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of genocide.

Now US President Joe Biden is finding similarly clear words.

Washington - US President Joe Biden has spoken of "genocide" in view of the Ukraine war and the atrocities against civilians in the country.

"Your family budget, your ability to refuel, none of it should depend on a dictator halfway across the world declaring war and committing genocide," Biden said during a visit to Menlo, Iowa, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The US government and its allies are doing everything they can to prevent Putin from using his energy resources as a weapon against American families, families in Europe and around the world, Biden said.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russian troops of genocide over atrocities against civilians.

The US government had so far held back on this point.

US President Biden's National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, said at the weekend that the atrocities that recently became known, including in the Kiev suburb of Bucha, were clearly war crimes.

However, Sullivan avoided the question of whether it was also genocide.


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