The Limited Times

Pension reform: this explosive file that has poisoned Macron for five years

4/12/2022, 7:41:18 PM

STORY – A 2017 campaign promise that became a subject of social discontent, then pushed back by the Covid crisis, it must now serve as a guarantee given to the left.

A sensitive subject for the French, because it affects intimate life choices and a period when one becomes more vulnerable, retirement is a matter that is both socially delicate and financially heavy.

Politically, he has poisoned the life of Emmanuel Macron for five years.

Years of hesitation and wavering.

Which have nevertheless allowed public opinion to mature and appropriate this complex subject.

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Everything had started well, however, in the euphoria of the 2017 campaign. The candidate then wants to build a universal points system

“Fairer and fairer”,


“One euro contributed guarantees everyone the same rights”.

He undertakes to unify the 42 regimes, without touching the legal age of 62 or lowering pensions, and to abolish the special regimes.

Public opinion applauds: who can oppose more transparency and simplicity?

Facing him, François Fillon advocates raising the retirement age to 65 to cope with the arrival of the "grandpa-boom".

See also

Pensions: an inevitable reform in the face of financing needs

But, based on projections…

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