The Limited Times

Presidential: "I will vote for Emmanuel Macron", announces Nicolas Sarkozy

4/12/2022, 8:16:32 AM

The former President of the Republic, silent until then in the presidential campaign, comes out of his reserve this Tuesday morning to announce that he

Nicolas Sarkozy is finally breaking the silence.

The former head of state announced on Tuesday morning that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election.

"I believe he has the necessary experience in the face of a serious international crisis that is more complex than ever," he wrote in a message posted on Twitter.

"He is, in the current state of things, the only one in a position to act", he adds, believing that "France's interest must be our only guide".

— Nicolas Sarkozy (@NicolasSarkozy) April 12, 2022

> More information to come

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