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Total closure on the territories during the holiday season? The great dilemma of the security system - Walla! news

4/12/2022, 7:58:56 PM

Due to calls for revenge by the Islamic Jihad, incitement in the networks and warnings, on Thursday Defense Minister Ganz will hold a situation assessment during which it will be decided on the duration of the closure to be imposed on the holiday. In addition, military officials claim that the IDF is debating whether to remove the restrictions imposed on Jenin, from which two terrorists emerged.

Total closure on the territories during the holiday season?

The great dilemma of the security system

Due to calls for revenge by the Islamic Jihad, incitement in the networks and warnings, on Thursday Defense Minister Ganz will hold a situation assessment during which it will be decided on the duration of the closure to be imposed on the holiday.

In addition, military officials claim that the IDF is debating whether to remove the restrictions imposed on Jenin, from which two terrorists emerged.

Amir Bohbot


Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 22:17 Updated: 22:46

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In the video: Attempted arrest of the brother of the terrorist who carried out the attack in Tel Aviv (documentation on social networks)

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz will hold a situation assessment on Thursday, during which it will be decided on the duration of the closure of the territories in preparation for Seder night.

Military officials told Walla!

Because following calls for revenge by Islamic Jihad operatives, a closure will be imposed on the eve of the holiday.

The question that remains in the air is whether a closure will be imposed on a holiday period during which Israeli citizens travel throughout the country, with an emphasis on tens of thousands who travel in Judea and Samaria. Nin following the departure of two terrorists from the area, "Have the restrictions exhausted themselves?

Or they are still effective in curbing gunmen and individual terrorists. "

More on Walla!

The IDF has begun an operation to close loopholes in northern Samaria, two battalions will reinforce the area

To the full article

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IDF activity, today (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

Another question is the entry of Israeli Arabs through the Jalama (Gilboa) crossing, which has been closed to movements in both directions for more than a week and is causing economic damage to Palestinian trade in the Jenin district.

Meanwhile, in addition to the tension created around Jenin, warnings of terrorist attacks from the city of Nablus and the Balata refugee camp began to increase against the background of the destruction of Yosef's tomb, and the incitement on social media.

Security officials said: "We will arrest anyone who damaged Yosef's tomb. It will not pass quietly. This is a holy site and the message was conveyed to the Palestinian security forces who failed to protect it. For us it is a very serious incident. Beyond its consequences at the security level. "In retaliation for the destruction of the tomb. It is also being treated."

Today, the IDF began an operation to close the gaps in the northern Samaria area. Therefore, the forces in the area of ​​the seam line will be reinforced with two battalions of fighters, engineering soldiers and heavy mechanical equipment to close the seam.

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  • IDF