The Limited Times

Johnny Depp described as 'a monster' by Amber Heard's lawyers on the first day of their trial

4/13/2022, 9:47:47 AM

A new trial began on Tuesday April 12 between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. The lawyers of the actress told in front of the American court the hell that she would have lived at his side.

A "monster": this is the word used by Amber Heard's lawyers to describe the behavior of her former husband Johnny Depp, transformed, according to them, by drugs and alcohol.

Tuesday, April 12, the two Hollywood stars again found themselves before the judge and accuse each other of defamation.

A trial that stems from a column published in the

Washington Post

in which Amber Heard describes herself as a “victim of domestic violence”.

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Read alsoJohnny Depp against Amber Heard: the trial of the terrible ex-lovers begins today

This Tuesday, her lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, explained to the court that the actress “loved the side of Johnny that we see in the movies, charismatic, charming, generous, he is the man she fell in love with. ".

Not the other.

She mentions in particular certain times when the star of

Pirates of the Caribbean

was under the influence of alcohol cocktails, drugs, cocaine, ecstasy or hallucinogenic mushrooms: “But unfortunately, the monster (…) appeared when he drank and took drugs.

On video, who is the sulphurous Amber Heard?

'Huge anger'

During the hearing, the lawyer spoke of the “enormous anger” that Johnny Depp had in him, which transformed him into a “demon” and pushed him to “verbally, psychologically, physically and sexually assault” Amber Heard.

She recounts several scenes of violence that took place and adds that the star of


never parted with a makeup kit to hide the bruises on his face.

For his part, Johnny Depp's lawyer, Benjamin Chew, defended the actor, explaining that Amber Heard "changed Mr. Depp's life and reputation forever, and you will hear him tell of the terrible impact that it had on his life”.

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According to the lawyer, the former wife of the actor would have accused him of violence in 2016 to take revenge on him after his decision to divorce.

And would have chosen to denounce this “in the wake of the MeToo movement”.

To support Johnny Depp, his sister Christi Dembrowski came to testify at the bar.

She describes in particular a toxic marital relationship with a young woman “always in confrontation”, who “exaggerated a lot” the alcohol and drug problems of her husband and who called him “old fat”.

First day of trial under high tension therefore, while many celebrities should come to testify during the next few days at the helm like Elon Musk, James Franco or Paul Bettany.

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