The Limited Times

Presidential: the consultation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is open

4/13/2022, 11:40:59 AM

In 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched a similar consultation. It had resulted in a majority for the blank or null vote (36%), ahead of

Abstention, blank vote or Emmanuel Macron vote?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched this Wednesday the consultation of his 310,000 supporters for the second round, three days after the third man (21.95%) called not to "give a single voice to Le Pen".

People who sponsored his candidacy online must vote on Jean-Luc Mélenchon's militant platform, "Popular Action".

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The consultation, the results of which will be public, ends on Saturday at 8 p.m.

It is preceded by a word from the ex-candidate to his supporters: the second round “will be resolved in defiance of our most fundamental repulsions.

A presidency without moral authority will come out of it, ”confides the tribune.

But, he adds, the two finalists “are not equivalent.

Marine Le Pen adds to the project of social mistreatment that she shares with Emmanuel Macron a dangerous ferment of ethnic and religious exclusion.


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"That's why I said and I repeat that not a voice should go to the far-right candidate," also writes Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“That seems to me to be sufficient public notice.

(…) To go further would be to abuse the trust you have placed in me”, he believes.

L'Insoumis specifies: “Whatever the result, it should not be interpreted as an instruction given to anyone, neither between us nor for those who listen to us and trust us.

It will indicate what are our appreciations in their diversity.


A call to stay united

Jean-Luc Mélenchon explains why he does so, while his voters are divided on the second round vote, according to certain studies: "Let's not give this duo the benefit of opposing us over them when we are so strongly united on our projects.

The cohesion of the Union Populaire is our dearest asset.


He had already consulted his supporters in 2017, when he finished fourth with 19.58% of the vote, with the same exception: "Not a vote on the far right".

The consultation had resulted in a short majority for the blank or null vote (36%), just ahead of the vote for Emmanuel Macron (nearly 35%), a little less than a third remaining speaking for abstention.

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