The Limited Times

From Jesuit missions to tango, flowing music

4/14/2022, 2:19:17 PM

With the album Iguazu, Argentinian lutenist Eduardo Egüez, musical director of La Chimera revisits the repertoire of the Jesuit missions of the 17th and 18th centuries.

It is one of the most prized natural settings of the seventh art.

Generation Z will recognize the scraps that were used for the filming of the recent

Black Panther

from the Marvel franchise.

The boomers those immortalized in 1986 by Roland Joffé in his historical film



But for Argentinian lutenist Eduardo Egüez, musical director of La Chimera, the Iguazu Falls are much more than a movie postcard.

“It is the most emblematic cradle of the sharing of civilizations in Argentina, and more broadly in all of South America.

The aboriginal culture of the pre-Columbian tribes, such as the famous Guaranis, merges there with that imported by the first Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors, who also imported the African culture of slaves, soon supplemented by massive European immigration from Ukraine and Poland.

All this created a unique musical identity, which still survives today, in a fascinating historical and geographical charivari.

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