The Limited Times

Paraguayan authorities arrest truck drivers for alleged extortion

4/14/2022, 11:05:34 PM

Five truck leaders were arrested this Wednesday in Asunción and charged with alleged extortion, according to the Paraguayan authorities

(CNN Spanish) -

Five truck leaders were arrested this Wednesday in Asunción and charged with alleged extortion, according to the prosecutors of the Economic Crimes and Anti-Corruption Unit Liliana Alcaraz, Francisco Cabrera and Silvio Corbeta.

According to prosecutors, the defendants, who lead some groups of cargo truckers, would have tried to extort money from the government of President Mario Abdo Benítez, by allegedly demanding a payment in money so as not to close routes.

The Ministry of the Interior filed a complaint in this regard, and according to the Prosecutor's Office, one of the five people was detained in flagrante delicto when leaving that portfolio after allegedly receiving part of the money that would correspond to that extortion.

In recent weeks, truck drivers have staged numerous protests with roadblocks in protest at rising fuel prices.

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The five leaders refrained from giving an investigative statement before the Public Ministry.

Before the press, when leaving the prosecutor's headquarters flanked by policemen, Ángel Zaracho, head of the Truck Drivers' Federation of Paraguay and at the same time one of the accused, said that they were all innocent and that they would prove it in court.

“Not everything that it seems is,” he added.

Zaracho said he had proof of his innocence and that of his fellow detainees, and asked "that due process be respected."

David Pana, a lawyer for the arrested truck drivers, spoke in the same vein, telling the ABC newspaper that his defendants are innocent and that they will submit to justice.


A judge ordered the preventive detention for 10 days of the five trucker leaders charged in this process and they will remain confined in the Specialized Police Group.

A report from the Prosecutor's Office states that the defendants allegedly demanded the government pay US$1 million to suspend the road closures as a protest measure.

According to the investigation, they would have negotiated with the Ministry of the Interior the payment of US$300,000, of which some US$50,000 were delivered as the first installment.

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The Prosecutor's Office said that, with the prior coordination of that body and the National Police, the five transportation leaders would have received this cash advance on Wednesday from Federico González, Minister of the Interior.

At a press conference, González maintained that the government was the victim of an extortion attempt.

"I have filed a complaint with the Public Ministry regarding the extortion to which the government was being subjected by truck drivers who had been closing routes and roads, affecting the constitutional right to travel freely," said the official.

One of the prosecutors in the case, Liliana Alcaraz, maintained that there are recordings with judicial authorization, of the entire negotiation with the trucker leaders.

“The investigation began approximately 48 hours ago.

We have required judicial authorization to film and record personal interviews that the minister conducted with five of the people,” said Alcaraz in relation to the investigated trucker leaders.

The official IP news portal indicated that "the arrest procedures were carried out within the framework of a controlled delivery."

Those arrested face a sentence of up to five years in prison.

Meanwhile, other leaders of truckers' unions from different parts of the country repudiated the alleged extortion by some leaders of the sector, but affirmed that they will continue their fight to achieve a reduction in fuel prices, and announced new demonstrations for next week. .
