The Limited Times

PSG-OM: the Collectif Ultras Paris should boycott the Clasico

4/14/2022, 12:17:37 PM

Torn between the desire to support his team against the intimate enemy and the conflicting context around the club, the CUP will boycott the Clasi

The elimination pill in the knockout stages of the Champions League has still not passed.

An affront combined with the absence since of reaction and movements in the upper echelons of Paris Saint-Germain, which should push the Collectif Ultras Paris (CUP) to express – or to silence, the word is more accurate – its dissatisfaction at the Parc des Princes, Sunday (8:45 p.m.).

Each year, PSG-OM is however one of the most important matches of the season for the capital club.

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We have been assured by a source close to the Collective that this shock of the 32nd day of Ligue 1, any Clasico and any decisive match that it is between the leader of the Championship and his runner-up, will be boycotted by the group of supporters, present on Sunday in the Virage Auteuil.

A position that has been under discussion for days within the group, whose various associations have weighed the pros and cons: let the thorny context around the club prevail, or still support his team against the intimate enemy?

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— The Parisian |

PSG (@le_Parisien_PSG) April 12, 2022

A silent presence is worth a thousand words

Several anniversaries of the existence of active CUP groups, scheduled for this month of April and in particular on the sidelines of the match, also played into the balance.

Before the decision to mark this Clasico with a hot iron finally prevails, almost out of spite.

The Collectif's fed up, one more since the failure of the Parisians on the European scene at the beginning of March, should result in a total absence of songs and encouragement, a position that is quite rare during a PSG -OM.

An action that could be toned down depending on the face of the match, and lead to an awakening of the sleeping grandstand in the event of a favorable (or unfavorable?) scenario.

But the group of ultras intends to target the absence of changes within the Parisian management, and show its distrust of the evolution which it considers negative of the jersey, now too far from the spirit and Parisian colors.

What better showcase for that than a Clasico.