The Limited Times

Vladimir Pastukhov: "The freedom of Russia will become possible only if Ukraine becomes free"

4/14/2022, 6:13:16 PM

INTERVIEW - For the Russian historian and philosopher, who has lived in London for ten years, the war in Ukraine is "the inevitable consequence of the evolution of the Putin regime, which being afraid of the revolution and wishing to preserve its power , uses the energy of...

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When this catastrophe occurred, it was not unexpected for me.

The tendency of the Russian regime to fascisation after the year 2011

(which had seen the beginnings of a popular liberal revolution, editor's note),

was obvious.

I published in 2012 a series of articles perceived then as the meditations of a madman, because I wrote that the regime had changed in nature and that the war with Ukraine was on.

This war is the inevitable consequence of the evolution of the Putinian political regime, which, being afraid of the revolution and wishing to preserve its power, sees no other way than to deport this evolution towards the outside through aggression.

Putin has always had one and the same motivation: to keep his power.

And so he had to expel the revolution outward, with the help of war, to divert the energy of the masses abroad...

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