The Limited Times

WC 2022: "Do not come to insult an entire society...", LGBT spectators will have to be discreet in Qatar

4/14/2022, 12:12:06 PM

Worlds 2022 head of security says LGBT fans should avoid showing signs of their affiliation It's a kind of warning, not even in disguise. Spectators who come to watch the 2022 World Cup (November 21 - December 18) in Qatar will not be completely free in their movements or behavior. Abdullah Al Ansari, the security manager of the 2022 World Cup, warned LGBT spectators (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). They will have to avoid showing signs of their sexuality in public to respect th

It's a kind of warning, not even in disguise.

Spectators who come to watch the 2022 World Cup (November 21 - December 18) in Qatar will not be completely free in their movements or behavior.

Abdullah Al Ansari, the security manager of the 2022 World Cup, warned LGBT spectators (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender).

They will have to avoid showing signs of their sexuality in public to respect the conservative culture of the emirate, where “shows of affection in public are frowned upon”.

“If a supporter waves a rainbow flag in a stadium and it is taken away from him, it will not be because we want to offend him, but to protect him, he explained on Wednesday.

If we don't, another spectator could attack him.

If you want to express your point of view concerning the LGBT cause, do it in a society where it will be accepted.


Two weeks ago, just before the draw for the competition, at the podium of the Fifa (international federation) congress, the president of the Norwegian Federation, Lise Klaveness, made a plea in favor of the rights of the man and the LGBTQ + community, speaking of a World "with unacceptable consequences".

“We will remain available for those who want to talk, educate themselves and understand things before judging,” Hassan Al-Thawadi, head of the organizing committee, replied curtly.

Abdullah Al Ansari, he clarified: “If you buy a ticket, it is to attend a football match and not to demonstrate.

So don't come and insult an entire society.

We cannot change laws or religion for the 28 days of the World Cup.
