The Limited Times

"Russian boat will fuck you": in Ukraine, a stamp already collector

4/15/2022, 6:36:05 PM

Ukrainian post offices are selling a stamp showing a Ukrainian soldier giving the middle finger to the "Moskva", the Russian flagship sunk Thursday in the Black Sea.

A stamp depicting a Ukrainian soldier giving the middle finger to the "Moskva", a Russian flagship sunk Thursday in the Black Sea, tore up on Friday through the country's post offices, becoming a collector's item and a symbol of

" victory”


To discover

  • LIVE - War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the conflict minute by minute

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

Read alsoWar in Ukraine: Russian cruiser


sank after being damaged at sea

At the Central Post Office in Kyiv, hundreds of Ukrainians of all ages lined up for several hours to get the first rectangular stamp that was to be printed in one million copies.

"This boat was their biggest, it was worth around 750 million dollars, they bet everything on it and we destroyed it for them!"

Exults Ioury Kolessan, 22, who waited two and a half hours to buy a 30 board. stamps.

"It's a new stage of the war, that of victory,"

he says.

On the first day of the conflict, in a radio exchange that went viral, the Ukrainian border guards on the small Island of Snakes

shouted "fuck you"

at the Russian ship asking it to surrender.

The recording of this exchange had toured the world and served as a leitmotiv for the Ukrainian resistance, even appearing on placards during demonstrations of support abroad and now on stamps.

500 suggestions before finding the right illustration

La Poste had launched a competition in early March to illustrate the episode.

After more than 500 submissions, the illustration by Lviv cartoonist Boris Groh, showing a Ukrainian soldier from behind on yellow sand giving the Russian ship the middle finger on a blue background, was selected.

“When we designed the stamp we did not know the outcome of this episode but we are delighted,”

commented to AFP Igor Smelyansky, director general of the Ukrainian post.

The Ukrainian general staff got involved, rectifying the uniform for

“more realism”


The stamp was already out of stock on Friday afternoon in kyiv, AFP journalists found.

"We will do better on Monday, we wanted to print more, but the bombing last night in Kiev disrupted the operation of the factory and we were unable to print the planned quantity",

explained the general director of services .


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