The Limited Times

Easter: Pope Francis' Way of the Cross irritates Ukraine

4/15/2022, 6:11:59 PM

STORY - During the celebration, Francis had to limit himself to denouncing the war, without mentioning Russia.

In 2020, Pope Francis commemorated the passion of Christ in front of an empty St. Peter's Square.

Two years later, Roman Easter celebrations are held in public, with an emphasis on the war in Ukraine.

The conflict is even omnipresent in the mind of Pope Francis.

He devotes a lot of time to it, reports his entourage.

This Easter Sunday, during the traditional urbi et orbi message, transmitted in mondiovision, he will not fail to thunder once again against this war which he considers absurd.

But he will not give in to international pressure, which would like - particularly in the face of the horror of the mass grave of Boutcha, where more than 400 bodies were found in the streets - that he, the Catholic pope, would like to attack Russia. or its president, whom he never names.

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