The Limited Times

Covid, reinfections increase, to 4.4%

4/16/2022, 8:54:19 AM

In the last week, the percentage of reinfections out of the total Covid cases was 4.4%, an increase compared to the previous week. Since the beginning of the epidemic 3.5 million infections in the age group 0-19 years (ANSA)

In the last week, the percentage of reinfections out of the total Covid cases reported in Italy was 4.4%, an increase compared to the previous week in which the percentage was 4.1%.

This is highlighted by the extended report of the Higher Institute of Health, which integrates the weekly monitoring.

The analysis starting from last December 6 (date considered to be the reference date for the start of the spread of the Omicron variant), highlights an increased risk of reinfection.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 3,515,940 Covid cases have been diagnosed in the population 0-19 years of age,

of which 17,037 hospitalized, 380 hospitalized in intensive care and 53 dead.

The extended report of the Higher Institute of Health highlights this, underlining that this week the percentage of cases reported in the school-age population (21%) is decreasing compared to the rest of the population.

In the last week, 17% of school-age cases were diagnosed in children under 5, 43% in the age group 5-11, 39% in the age group 12-19.