The Limited Times

He eats a salami sandwich and dies at 13

4/16/2022, 5:30:33 PM

To Fondi. Perhaps anaphylactic shock, the girl had allergies (ANSA)

A sunny afternoon, the Easter holidays just started, a walk with friends.

But April 14 for Martina Quadrino was the last day of her life.

The girl, who was 13, had stopped to eat a sandwich with salami in Fondi, in the province of Latina.

She then greeted her friends because she was beginning to feel unwell and went home.

In front of her parents she began to breathe more and more difficult.

The help of her 118 was useless, the maneuvers to revive her were useless, Martina died in a few moments before her transfer to the San Giovanni di Dio hospital.

Pending the outcome of the autopsy, from the first investigations the investigators do not exclude that the death of the thirteen-year-old may have been caused by anaphylactic shock, a sudden allergic reaction, which in a few minutes involves all organs and can lead to cardio arrest. -respiratory, due precisely to an allergy to a food contained in the sandwich.

On this point, however, the answers will come from the autopsy exams that will begin this afternoon: from some checks it would have emerged, however, that Martina had allergies.

Meanwhile, the Latina carabinieri will carry out investigations at the place where Martina bought the sandwich: among other things, the investigations coordinated by the prosecutor Valerio De Luca aim to understand the type of food contained in the sandwich to identify any substance that would have generated. the violent and unfortunately lethal allergic reaction.

Substance that obviously Martina did not know was contained in the sandwich.

Shocked by the community of Fondi that has gathered around the girl's family: her parents are known because they work in the local fruit and vegetable market.

In a short time, the social networks were flooded with messages of condolence, above the photos of Martina that portray her smiling, in one by the pool while looking amused at the lens of the camera: "Dear Angel", Aurora defines her, " There are no words "writes Nunzia," a hug to those poor parents, an unimaginable evil ", says Gerardo.

And then lots of hearts.

The date of her funeral will be established in the coming days.