The Limited Times

Ukraine: mayor, traces of Sarin in the Sumy region

4/16/2022, 9:00:49 PM

Remains of alleged chemical weapons, Sarin and other substances, were found in the village of Bilka, in the Sumy region, after its liberation from the Russian occupiers, according to a statement by Trostyanets Mayor Yuriy Bova on Ukrainian radio, r ... ( HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 16 - Remains of alleged chemical weapons, Sarin and other substances, were found in the village of Bilka, in the Sumy region, after its release from Russian occupants, according to what was declared by the mayor of Trostyanets Yuriy Bova on Ukrainian radio , Ukrinform reports.

    "We found the remains of chemical weapons in the village of Bilka, Sarin and other substances. Containers were found. Now the Ukrainian security service is working on them. Perhaps the occupiers wanted to spread these chemical substances in Kiev, Poltava or other cities," he added. .

    The mayor of Trostyanets also noted that, during the month of occupation, Russian troops raised them flags and scattered mines in many cemeteries, fields and woods, parks and administrative facilities.

    Currently - he specified - two groups work daily on demining in Trostyanets and new spaces are recaptured every day, but others remain dangerous and strewn with explosives.

    Sarin is a nerve gas classified as a chemical mass destruction weapon.

Poison 26 times more lethal than cyanide, without counteracting the effect with atropine and other antidotes.

    On April 11, fighters from the Azov regiment claimed that the Russian invaders launched a poisonous substance of unknown origin from a drone over Mariupol.

Three people were injured and suffered from respiratory failure.

    The secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has expressed concern over reports of the use of chemical weapons in Mariupol and the bombing of chemical plants in Ukraine.