The Limited Times

Usa, inmate on death row, chooses to be shot

4/16/2022, 11:12:33 PM

A death row inmate in South Carolina chose shooting, the method introduced in the state last May, over the electric chair for his execution on April 29. The Wall Street Journal reports it. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, APRIL 16 - A prisoner on death row in South Carolina chose shooting, the method introduced in the state last May, instead of the electric chair for his execution on April 29.

The WallStreet Journal reports it.

If it happens, it will be the first in the state since 2011 and also the first by a firing squad.

    57-year-old Richard Bernard Moore was sentenced to death for murder and other crimes in 2001. His lawyers are still trying to stop the execution by arguing that the two options, shooting and electric chair, are both unconstitutional and asking the Supreme Court to review the sentence, which is considered disproportionate. for your case.

    The shock measure of the shooting was approved in the State in May 2021 to overcome the difficulties in finding the mix of poisons necessary for lethal injections, after many pharmaceutical companies and many countries around the world have banned their export to the United States for humanitarian reasons.

For this reason, the last time the executioner went into action in South Carolina dates back to 2011. Until now, being able to choose between the injection and the electric chair, the condemned had opted for the former, effectively preventing their execution due to the lack of drugs. .