The Limited Times

Vedova-Rainer, the voice of art in the face of the evils of the world

4/16/2022, 7:54:43 AM

At the Zattere, in two different exhibitions, a dialogue between the works of the two artists (ANSA) "Venice dies": the great triptych on canvas from 1992 is like a scream that breaks down time, part of a project that was not actually realized. Further on, almost in the center of the huge hall, the tondo of "Who burns a book burns a man", from 1993, shortly after the bombing of the Sarajevo library, or the Plurimi made in Berlin in 1964, in a city divided by a wall, while imposing in space spread

"Venice dies": the great triptych on canvas from 1992 is like a scream that breaks down time, part of a project that was not actually realized.

Further on, almost in the center of the huge hall, the tondo of "Who burns a book burns a man", from 1993, shortly after the bombing of the Sarajevo library, or the Plurimi made in Berlin in 1964, in a city divided by a wall, while imposing in space spreads, with the images of a video in the background, the voice of Emilio Vedova against fascism, war, oppression: "you will say: what does this have to do with painting? it's my painting ".

Alfredo Bianchini, president of the Foundation named after the Venetian master (1919-2006), does not hide the satisfaction for the exhibition set up in the "Spazio Vedova" at the Zattere,

 "The demons of wars come back to life, as well as the nightmare of nuclear catastrophe. Themes - Gazzarri notes - that formed the junction that activated the exceptional energy of Emilio Vedova, an artist who was never willing to give up on the evolution of consciousness as the only one way to build a responsible relationship with each other and with the world ".

To give full value to this, the titles of the thematic sections: Against, No, Venice dies, Alarm, Human, Border, Plurimo, For.

The exhibition is part of a larger project that is divided into a second exhibition entirely dedicated to the works of Arnulf Rainer, at the Magazzino del Sale, also at the Zattere,

 By the Austrian artist, in Venice, there are the crosses of the 80s and the Kosmos of the early 90s.

Crosses, in the diversity of shapes and colors, now dark, now cast of more types, which refer to suffering.

The presentation of the two exhibitions, under the common title "Rainer-Vedova: Ora", scheduled from 23 April to 30 October (Marsilio Arte catalog), was an opportunity to announce the establishment of a specific scientific committee - Luca Massimo Barbero , Gabriella Belli and Philip Rylands - and indicate that the Vedova Museum should open by 2023 - in the two spaces currently available and in a very large third space under definition - which will be divided into a permanent section of the artist's works and a for temporary exhibition activities.

Among the initiatives,