The Limited Times

An illusion called restraint in Jerusalem Israel today

4/18/2022, 8:13:18 PM

Anyone who finds helplessness on the Temple Mount and releases hundreds of detainees who have just rioted, will find that the Western Wall and its worshipers are also threatened • This is how it is in our neighborhood

Listen carefully to Talal Nasser, a Hamas operative who is hosted in Turkey and recites from there the teachings of the boss, Salah al-Aruri.

His remarks reflect, albeit succinctly but with great precision, the move that Hamas is now trying to initiate in the territories of Judea and Samaria, East Jerusalem and in the territories of the "Palestinians of the interior" (Israeli Arabs).

The overt goal is to turn the whole country to the forefront.

As far as Hamas is concerned, we are all one big "settlement."

"I think the occupation is coming to an end," Nasser says.

"I swear by Allah ... these are our sons who will still be alive ... After we set foot on the skulls of the Zionists - we will tread on the lands of Haifa, Jaffa, Tiberias and Jerusalem, and throughout the West Bank and our dear Gaza Strip. This lie, which has trapped some of the losers of our nation, will not trap the members of this nation. Palestine is one piece. We do not have in our lexicon the concept 'it is ours, or theirs' ... By the blood of trembling (the terrorist from Dizengoff; N.S.) and the blood of the pure martyrs "(translation: courtesy of MMR).

Hamas is trying, almost by force, to drag Israeli Arabs into the campaign it is waging with Israel, without paying a price for it in Gaza, where it is still licking its wounds from the wall guard.

Tuesday's attacks on Jews wrapped in prayer shawls and buses on the way to the Western Wall, as well as the attempt to block the way of Jews to the Temple Mount, are just part of the story.

There are other events that have taken place in recent days, not all of which are reported in the media, and they show that Hamas is determined to try to recreate the events of April-May 2021 this year as well, and perhaps more powerfully, with nationalist elements among Israeli Arabs joining it.

In Haifa, people from "Aharek Haifa" (about 150 people) demonstrated on Tuesday night, shouting "Intifada, raise the flames. If the intifada starts, we will not stand to watch."

They read in praise of Muhammad Daf.

In the Nazareth area, the police instructed MDA not to enter the city and the localities without police escort and security, after buses there were pelted with stones. Arabs also rioted in the village of Cana, Reina, Ilut, Yafia and other places.

The involvement of Arab-Israelis in what is happening now also had signs on the Temple Mount last weekend.

It turns out that a significant number of the detainees in the great commotion that was there on Friday were residents of Umm al-Fahm, Sakhnin, Baqa al-Gharbiya and other localities.

This is how it started a year ago.

The police are several times prepared this time, but still not prepared enough.

If thousands of policemen and soldiers fail to prevent the attack of worshipers and passengers on the way to the Western Wall, in pictures reminiscent of pre-state days in 1851 and 1909.

Either: either they do not have a "free hand" to act, as Prime Minister Bennett argued yesterday, or they are uneducated to take advantage of the "free hand" to prevent such incidents.

Anyone who finds helplessness on the Temple Mount and releases hundreds of detainees who have just rioted will find that the Western Wall and its worshipers are also threatened.

Anyone who has decided in recent weeks to stop traveling on some of the Egged lines on Sultan Suleiman Street at night now finds that Jews are also stoned there during the day.

Anyone who tries to walk in the capital on his toes with the illusion that he will achieve peace in this way, discovers again that the other side interprets this as cowardice.

This is how it is in our neighborhood.

Were we wrong?


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