The Limited Times

Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez announce the death of one of the two children they were expecting

4/18/2022, 10:55:20 PM

“We are devastated by this loss”, they have written in a joint publication on their Instagram accounts, in which they report the birth of the other twin

The Portuguese soccer player of Manchester United Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner, the model and


Georgina Rodríguez, have announced this Tuesday that one of the two children they were expecting has died.

“It is with our deepest sadness that we have to announce the passing of our son.

It is the greatest pain that parents can feel, ”they both point out in a joint publication on their Instagram accounts, where they have also reported the birth of the other twin.

“Only the birth of our daughter gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness.

We are devastated by this loss and request privacy at this difficult time," the post read.

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On October 28, the 37-year-old soccer player and the 28-year-old model announced that they were expecting twins, a boy and a girl.

The news was given exclusively by the magazine


, but hours later the couple published a photograph on their respective networks announcing that the pregnancy was multiple.

“Delighted to announce that we are expecting twins.

Our hearts are full of love, we are looking forward to meeting you, ”the two wrote together with a double ultrasound.

This has been the second pregnancy they have shared, after the birth of Alana Martina in November 2017. The baby that was born this Tuesday is the second daughter for Georgina Rodríguez and the fifth child for the soccer player, who also has Cristiano Jr. ( 11 years old) and the twins Eva and Mateo, who were also born in June 2017 through a surrogacy, just like the firstborn.

Despite the large family, Rodríguez herself had expressed on more than one occasion her desire to have more children.

The now Manchester footballer and the model met when she worked in a luxury fashion store in Madrid, although she was born in Argentina (where her father was from) and grew up in Jaca, Huesca.

She studied dance during her childhood and adolescence and in recent times she has wanted to take some first steps in the world of song, going through programs such as

Mask Singer

or participating in the San Remo festival.

At that festival she said: “Although for me my children are the most important thing, I am a woman and I want to work and be autonomous.

I must not neglect my professional sphere and I like to work in the artistic field”.

The couple began to be seen together at the end of 2016 and shortly after her pregnancy was confirmed.

Although in the first months of their relationship Rodríguez remained in the background and barely made any statements about his life with Cristiano Ronaldo, little by little his presence has been more and more frequent in events, programs, red carpets and even with a

reality show

. own on Netflix.