The Limited Times

Legislative elections, the main source of public funding for parties

4/18/2022, 6:07:39 PM

DECRYPTION – It is essentially on this ballot that party income will depend for the next five years. This is the deadline to which all eyes are turned. Often referred to as the third round of the presidential election, the legislative elections have two challenges. One purely political – the parties play their representation in the National Assembly here – the other more financial, since it is on this ballot that party income for the next five years will depend. To discover Presidential 2022: w

This is the deadline to which all eyes are turned.

Often referred to as the third round of the presidential election, the legislative elections have two challenges.

One purely political – the parties play their representation in the National Assembly here – the other more financial, since it is on this ballot that party income for the next five years will depend.

To discover

  • Presidential 2022: where are Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen in the polls?

The rules are simple: for these elections, two state grants are made available.

As soon as a party wins at least 1% of the vote in 50 constituencies in the first round, each vote earns it €1.42, and this in a fixed manner for five years.

After the second round, the final number of parliamentarians - deputies and senators alike - unlocks the other part of an amount of some 37,000 euros per elected official and per year until the next renewal.

What guarantee a certain serenity.

Or, on the contrary, serious concerns.

Because this method of financing is a double-edged sword.


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