The Limited Times

Right up to the state finals: students from Miesbach at "Jugend forscht"/"Schüler experimentieren" with exciting projects

4/18/2022, 9:01:06 PM

Right up to the state finals: students from Miesbach at "Jugend forscht"/"Schüler experimentieren" with exciting projects Created: 2022-04-18Updated: 2022-04-18, 10:55 p.m By: Dieter Dorby With interesting research projects, the Miesbach high school once again took part in the competitions "Young Researchers" and "Students Experimenting". Our photo shows (from left) supervisor Simon Schmuck (ph

Right up to the state finals: students from Miesbach at "Jugend forscht"/"Schüler experimentieren" with exciting projects

Created: 2022-04-18Updated: 2022-04-18, 10:55 p.m

By: Dieter Dorby

With interesting research projects, the Miesbach high school once again took part in the competitions "Young Researchers" and "Students Experimenting".

Our photo shows (from left) supervisor Simon Schmuck (physics/mathematics/IT/technology), Adrian Specht, Josef Neureiter, Tassilo Mall, Luca Knies, headmistress Claudia Reiserer, Marinus Holitschke, supervisor Thomas Weingand (biology/chemistry), Charlotte Dettmann and Vera scent.

© high school

The Miesbach high school took part in the "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren" competitions this year and made considerable contributions to the race.

One entry even made it into the state competition, but was unable to qualify for the federal decision as the runner-up.

In the regional competition, which was held in mid-February by the Technical University of Rosenheim and the regional business association Seeoner Kreis, the pupils from the Miesbach high school achieved good rankings with interesting topics.

What particularly impresses the responsible supervising teachers Simon Schmuck and Thomas Weingand: Despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the students did not let themselves be deterred from experimenting.

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They skilfully presented their results to the respective expert jury from home on the online platform Veertly.

In the mathematics/computer science category, Tassilo Mall (9+b) secured first place in "Jugend forscht" with the topic "Car 2 X Communication".

It is about the communication of autonomously driving vehicles with the environment, represented with a computer simulation of a traffic light-controlled intersection.

An impressive piece of work that also came out on top in the state competition – but only in second place.

The qualification for the federal decision was just missed.

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Josef Neureiter (8c) received third prize in the technology category at "Students experimenting" and the special prize for environmental technology for his project "Construction and construction of a robot for fighting docks".

In chemistry, second prize and the special prize for renewable raw materials went to Charlotte Dettmann (8b) and Vera Duft (8d).

They had submitted the topic: "Glue made from dandelion and thistles".

In "Jugend forscht" Marinus Holitschke (10c) secured second prize and the special prize, an annual subscription to the magazine Geo, with the topic "Carbon Capture and Storage - Chemical binding of CO2 in the form of carbonates".

The third prize, along with the special prize for environmental technology, went to Gabriel Fragrance (10b) for his "Cellu-Clothing - clothing made from recycled waste paper".

Other participants and award winners in "Jugend forscht" in the field of chemistry are Marie Höller (Q12) with "environmentally friendly and harmless alternatives to conventional shampoos", for which she received the special "Reset Plastic" prize, and in the technology category Luke Brügmann (9c) , who won a special subscription to C'T magazine for his "Magic Chess".

Luca Knies (8a) and Adrian Specht (8b) worked on the construction of a hydrocyclone for filtering plastic from water in the physics department of "Students experimenting".
