The Limited Times

USA: Federal judge lifts corona mask requirement on public transport

4/18/2022, 9:31:06 PM

Anyone who travels by bus or train must wear a mask – at least in Germany. In the United States, a federal judge has now declared the measure invalid.

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Passengers with protective masks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A federal judge has now overturned the mask requirement on public transport


In the United States, a federal judge has invalidated and lifted the nationwide corona mask requirement on public transport.

According to the decision by Florida State Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, the national health authority CDC exceeded its powers with the corresponding order.

In addition, the authority did not adequately justify its decision.

The procedure for such regulations had not been followed.

The Tampa court overturned the ruling and referred it back to the Board of Health.

At first it was unclear what the immediate consequences of the decision would be.

The White House and the Justice Department can appeal the decision.

Just last week, US authorities had extended the mask requirement

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki called it a "disappointing decision."

It is still being checked whether travelers on trains or planes no longer have to wear a mask.

The Department of Homeland Security and the CDC are responsible.

The Ministry of Justice, in turn, has to decide whether to take legal action against the decision.

Irrespective of this, everyone is still advised to wear a mask on public transport.

President Joe Biden made masks compulsory on public transport shortly after taking office in January 2021.

At the beginning of February, the CDC health authority then ordered that mouth and nose protection must be worn on airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis and similar means of transport.

The obligation also applies in airports, train stations and ports.

The regulation was extended several times, just last week until the beginning of May.

In recent months there has been growing resistance, with Republican lawmakers and several major airlines calling for an end to the mask requirement on planes and other public transportation.
