The Limited Times

Woman found naked and mutilated in Aubervilliers: an investigation opened for "rape with torture and acts of barbarism"

4/19/2022, 6:55:39 PM

The investigation was handed over to the federal police. The victim, still hospitalized, has not yet been interviewed.

The mystery is still great after the discovery, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, of a naked and mutilated woman in the middle of the street in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis).

This Tuesday, the Bobigny prosecution indicates that an investigation has been opened and entrusted to the SDPJ (sub-directorate of the judicial police) 93, for “rape with torture and acts of barbarism.


The victim, aged around 30, had still not been identified and remains hospitalized at the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis.

She had therefore not yet been able to be heard by the investigators on Tuesday.

sexual mutilation

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, around 3 a.m., this woman had been seen by witnesses wandering and walking naked in the town, near rue Charles-Tillon.

She showed sexual mutilation on her body.

When he arrived at the emergency department, the medical teams discovered that the vaginal lips had been glued to the glue as well as the lips of the mouth.

Traces of ties were also discovered on his wrists.

Investigators suspect that she may have been tied up.

In addition, on his belly, a difficult to read word, probably in a foreign language, was also engraved with a pointed object.

Contrary to what had been envisaged for a time, it was not an inscription indicating

“Ti amo”.

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