The Limited Times

Hélé Béji: “Is the veil archaic or postmodern?”

4/20/2022, 7:32:09 PM

TRIBUNE - The wearing of the veil in public space is one of the subjects of debate between the two rounds. In a subtle text, the Tunisian intellectual wonders about this symbol that has become synonymous with self-expression in the era of individualism, identities and “rights”.

Hélé Béji notably published

Islam Pride: behind the veil

(Gallimard, 2011).

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I grew up in a climate of avant-garde Bourguibian feminism, within a secular Muslim family committed against colonialism for the republican ideal.

My grandfather unveiled his daughter in the 1930s, dressed her in trousers and cut her hair à la Coco Chanel.

At Independence, these emancipated practices became widespread and rid traditions of their sexist constraints.

In one of my books, I relate the following anecdote: on the occasion of a family bereavement, I see one of my cousins, whom I thought was emancipated, disguised as a nun.

The blood turns me.

To annoy her, I pretend to pull on her veil.

I had in mind this famous image of Bourguiba delicately revealing a stranger in the crowd, revealing her radiant face.

Today, such a gesture is no longer possible.

Because no one forced my cousin to veil herself, she did it on her own.

The veil that Bourguiba

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