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Matthäus brings Eberl into conversation at FC Bayern: "You can't rule anything out"

4/20/2022, 9:50:12 AM

Matthäus brings Eberl into conversation at FC Bayern: "You can't rule anything out" Created: 04/20/2022, 11:41 am By: Michael Haug Visibly taken away: Max Eberl at his farewell press conference © Revierfoto via Lothar Matthäus questions the leadership of FC Bayern Munich. The record national player therefore brings Max Eberl into play. Munich – FC Bayern Munich* expected m

Matthäus brings Eberl into conversation at FC Bayern: "You can't rule anything out"

Created: 04/20/2022, 11:41 am

By: Michael Haug

Visibly taken away: Max Eberl at his farewell press conference © Revierfoto via

Lothar Matthäus questions the leadership of FC Bayern Munich.

The record national player therefore brings Max Eberl into play.

Munich – FC Bayern Munich* expected more from this season.

In both cup competitions, the record champions were eliminated unexpectedly early.

The big season analysis is imminent, everyone at FC Bayern must and will question themselves.

Also Hasan Salihamidzic.

For record national player Lothar Matthäus, it is quite normal that the sports director is also responsible after a season like this.

Are you already thinking about a replacement?

Matthäus now brings up the name Max Eberl in his



FC Bayern: How does Matthäus rate Hasan Salihamidzic's work?

But one after anonther.

Hasan Salihamidzic doesn't have it easy at Bayern, says Matthäus.

The lack of viewer income led to more difficult transfer conditions.

Added to this were the enormous footsteps of Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, which the new management followed.

On the other hand: Matthäus praises FC Bayern for the tenth championship in a row.

This can already be secured on Saturday against Borussia Dortmund.

Salihamidzic is a "diligent and meticulous worker." Matthäus knows that he has FC Bayern in his heart and always gives his all.

Then comes the big but.

"He's also responsible for some transfers that didn't really work," says Matthäus.

This probably means the commitments of Bouna Sarr, Marc Roca and Marcel Sabitzer, all of whom have had little playing time so far.

FC Bayern: Why does Matthäus believe that Salihamidzic might be fired?

Matthäus sees the current Bayern situation critically, one has not lived up to one's own objections, the team lacks Bayern DNA.

So are there any personal consequences?

He draws a comparison to Christian Nerlinger, who had to vacate his place after losing the Dahoam final in 2012.

Nerlinger "was the pawn sacrifice and it could go something like this this time," believes Matthäus, looking at Hasan Salihamidzic.

Is that why the Eberl discussions are now reviving?

Matthew says: “Just a few months ago I would have completely ruled it out.

But after a European exit against Villarreal, nothing can be ruled out.

Nor that Max Eberl is being discussed as a candidate.” At the same time, he emphasizes that as a Bayern fan, he would be happy to win further titles with Brazzo, Kahn and Nagelsmann.

"But the way things are going at the moment, personnel changes could be part of it."

FC Bayern: Is Max Eberl being discussed?

Matthäus goes on to explain Eberl's personality: "How that would affect Max's image if he took over the strenuous job at FC Bayern a few months after retiring in Gladbach is another question." January announced his resignation as sports director of the foals.

"I know I won't bring back this fast pace, I won't be able to stop this restlessness that's around us all.

I can stop them for myself and I'm doing that at the moment," Eberl explained at the time.

The 38-year-old felt exhausted and retired from the football business.

Eberl is considered a specialist, led Borussia Mönchengladbach from almost relegation to the Champions League.

The Lower Bavarian worked for Borussia Mönchengladbach for 23 years.

First as a player, later as youth coordinator and between October 2008 and January 2022 as sports director.

As a junior and in his early professional years, Eberl played for FC Bayern in the 1980s and 1990s.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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