The Limited Times

100 Days of the Legislative Council|Jiang Yuhuan: The new chief executive should settle his grievances every week, Wu Jiezhuang urged to strengthen the explanation

4/21/2022, 11:14:31 PM

The Legislative Council under the new electoral system has been in office for nearly four months, and immediately encountered the worst wave of the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong, which can be regarded as a big challenge for the new members. "Hong Kong 01" interviewed two newcomers to the Election Committee - Jiang Yuhuanhe

The Legislative Council under the new electoral system has been in office for nearly four months, and immediately encountered the worst wave of the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong, which can be regarded as a big challenge for the new members.

"Hong Kong 01" interviewed Jiang Yuhuan and Wu Jiezhuang, two new members of the election committee, and talked about their experience after taking office.

Jiang Yuhuan said that during the epidemic, he felt social grievances. He hoped that the new chief executive would go out on a weekly patrol to inspect people's conditions. He also hoped that the citizens would have confidence in the legislation.

Wu Jiezhuang pointed out that there are times of "hate" about the government's anti-epidemic performance, but he will "empathize" and put forward feasible suggestions, and he will not bend for the sake of it.

Legislative Council Hundred Days Series No. 3

Wu Jiezhuang wants the government to explain more about the reasons for the policy

At the first taste of parliamentary work, Wu Jiezhuang said that he was busier than expected, but he has gradually "getting started". Compared with working in social organizations in the past, government officials are more willing to contact Legislative Council members.

However, the government's response to the fifth wave of the epidemic has been criticized. He bluntly said that he also felt a little "hatred". For example, as early as early February, many lawmakers had signed a joint letter to seek the central government's assistance in fighting the epidemic and conducting nationwide testing, but the government did not adopt it at that time. , I hope the government can explain more reasons for not adopting the proposal in the future.

However, he said that he would think in a different position, and would not bend for the sake of being stubborn. "I don't have to do it after I've said it. It's easy to talk about the ramifications. I'll think about everything I say, and I'll do it first." He said that the lawmakers criticized the government. Not to embarrass the government, "I want the government to do better."

Also a new member of parliament, Jiang Yuhuan also co-signed, and often commented on the government's anti-epidemic measures on social networking sites.

She said that the fifth wave of the epidemic came too quickly and too hastily, and I believe the government is also in a hurry. It may be too late to respond to the many suggestions put forward by parliamentarians, but as a lawmaker, she should continue to speak out and offer advice to the government. "Writing letters are useless, only I have received many interviews and wrote many articles on Facebook, hoping to wake up the government’s attention.”

Jiang Yuhuan: The new chief executive should go on tour every week

Talking about the fifth wave of the epidemic, Jiang Yuhuan said that she felt powerless and sad about various phenomena, especially when she saw the confirmed elderly person wearing aluminum paper to keep warm outside Caritas Hospital.

She also recalled that she once heard on the radio that a listener's mother had not showered in Asia for more than 20 days, and felt unbelievable. She immediately called the radio station to get in touch with the listener, hoping to provide assistance.

Jiang Yuhuan mentioned that during the epidemic, she would also be in the area every week. Once she visited the testing center in Liyuan Village, Shatian, and saw a long queue. The man yelled, "You are finally down!" She believes that this is just showing the grievances of the society. She hopes that the new chief executive and the government will "not be afraid of being harassed" and listen to public opinion every week. It's good to ask the people in the sun to open the way first, and then go out on patrol in small clothes!" She pointed out that the current government is far away from the people, and the people are indifferent to governance, and the next government must narrow the gap.

Jiang Yuhuan, who is a lawyer herself, also pointed out that in recent years, the public seems to have lost confidence in the law. She hopes to promote the popularization of the law and let the public understand the law.

Regarding the immigration wave in recent years, Jiang Yuhuan believes that the confidence and trust of the public in the government will gradually build up, "The Legislative Council has held many sessions, has anyone spoken out for the public? Has there been trouble with the government? Confidence.” She believes that if the government communicates more with lawmakers in the early stage of policy formulation, it will help to break the “rubber stamp” impression of the parliament. Mi feels like a rubber stamp!"

Wu Jiezhuang advocates reviewing talent policies to interpret central messages to young people

When he ran for the election, Wu Jiezhuang claimed to be "affiliated to the ground" and came from the grassroots. He said that the work he originally hoped to contact the grassroots and the election committee was greatly affected by the epidemic, so it must be held online.

In the Council, he hopes to create more development opportunities for young people by improving the talent policy. Therefore, he raised a written inquiry on this earlier, hoping that the authorities will follow up more actively.

He pointed out that the current Hong Kong Talents Entry Program has a surplus quota every year, and the government is too strict in approval, and it pays great attention to whether the applicant's graduate school is a famous school. The policy is flexible for major inventions and media interviews that attract attention, and the authorities are urged to review the talent program in Hong Kong.

Wu Jiezhuang, who is also a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, hopes to use his identity as a member of the Legislative Council to interpret the central message to young people: "A lot of times, Hong Kong feels that it is news, and the central document has been written early in the morning. , I wrote it out, but everyone didn't pay attention and didn't know it." He also pointed out that the mainland's anti-monopoly policy has been mentioned in the central document early, but the word "unfair market competition" is used. I believe that if young people Being able to interpret central messages early will help them seize opportunities.

He said that in the past, he was only a member of the CPPCC, which made people feel more "off the ground". "The citizens don't know what you are doing." Therefore, in the future, he hopes to use more appropriate language to explain the central documents and also reflect the situation in Hong Kong to the central government.

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