The Limited Times

Traditional music and purposeful performances on the third day of the 7th School Theater Festival

4/21/2022, 10:26:18 PM

Lattakia, SANA- The stage of Dar Al-Assad for Culture in Lattakia hosted the activities of the third day of the School Theater Festival


The stage of Dar Al-Assad for Culture in Lattakia hosted the activities of the third day of the Seventh School Theater Festival, which included artistic, musical, theatrical and folk dance performances.

The student group affiliated with Suleiman Al-Ajji Hall, consisting of 15 students, under the supervision of coach Nasri Bagdoud, presented songs and musical pieces, including “My memories” by Muhammad Qasabji, “Ya Mahalla, the space, my eyes” from heritage, and “Ganili Shway” by Zakaria Muhammad, in addition to playing a chord soundtrack and improvisational works on Violin, cello, qanun, and oud instruments, under the supervision and leadership of Al-Numeiri Mohamed.

In statements to SANA's reporter, the coaches, Bagdoud and Al-Numeiri, expressed their happiness at participating in the festival and the beautiful feeling of interacting with the students, pointing out the importance of nurturing music in the lives of children.

Today's activities also included a theatrical performance entitled Stories directed by Fatima Abu Akl, the text by writer Imad Yassin, and by Madin Maqsoud's training and supervision, where he talked about the importance of healthy food within an educational template aimed at conveying ideas to children in a smooth and comic style, according to director Abu Akl.

The supervisor of theatrical work, Madian Maqsoud, who designed clothes, accessories, masks and dolls, talked about the plan to dramatize the curricula implemented by the Ministry of Education with the aim of providing students with knowledge, skills, concepts and values ​​in an attractive and interesting way, noting that the presentation of stories was presented in the form of dialogue in the tongues of animals with the aim of inviting students to confront negative psychological situations As fear and anxiety enhance their self-confidence.

The participation of Marwan Dribati, choir coach, school theater unit, Hamza Saqr unit, came with a children's group in small age groups, consisting of 24 boys and girls, who presented a group of songs in Arabic and foreign languages, such as "Let's sing the melody of life", "O children of the world" and "Sunshine".

Drebati stated that the aim of the work is to direct the children's energies and lyrical creativity within a workshop to achieve harmony and create a pleasant and incubating environment for their activities and energies.

Saba Abbas, a folk arts coach, also participated in a folk dance, dancing to the tunes of "You have seen, Jafla", amid the interaction of the audience.

In turn, Yasser Deribati, theater director, stressed the importance of school theater and its role in educating the new generation at the level of artistic taste and the school curriculum, calling for transforming theater from a seasonal weather to a daily need for students and teachers.

At the end of the third day's activities, Kinana Daknoush, Head of the Music Department at the School Theater Department, was honored after a long tender procession. The students participating in the performances were also honored.

Ghaffar Deeb