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Nature conservation in April: help birds and insects properly

4/23/2022, 1:15:27 PM

Nature conservation in April: These tasks are now pending Created: 04/23/2022, 15:00 By: Joana Lück In April, spring has fully arrived and, in addition to the first butterflies, there are also robins and returning migratory birds in the garden. Berlin – Even if the calendar spring arrived on March 20th, cold winds, too little sun and frost in places have ensured that nature has not really got

Nature conservation in April: These tasks are now pending

Created: 04/23/2022, 15:00

By: Joana Lück

In April, spring has fully arrived and, in addition to the first butterflies, there are also robins and returning migratory birds in the garden.

Berlin – Even if the calendar spring arrived on March 20th, cold winds, too little sun and frost in places have ensured that nature has not really got going yet.

Things are different in April: in addition to early bloomers such as daffodils, tulips and snowdrops, dandelions and daisies are gradually appearing in the lawn. knows how you can help nature*.

Nature conservation in April: These tasks are now pending

In April the first butterflies move into the garden.

(Iconic image) © Roland Brack/Imago

According to the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU), the first barn swallows return to Germany from Africa at the beginning of April.

So that they are properly received, you can help the summer heralds with nesting aids, clay puddles and insect-rich gardens.

You should note the following things:

  • Set up a bird bath: the animals use a water trough not only to quench their thirst, but also to clean their feathers.

    Such a trough should not be too deep and have a rough bottom.

    According to NABU, you can convert a bowl or a flower mat as a drinking trough or bath, or even build it yourself out of clay or mortar.

    Place the bird bath in a clearly visible place so that the animals are not surprised by a cat or other animal.

    If there is a tree nearby, the birds can dry themselves there after the bath, as NABU reports.

  • Don't mow the lawn.

    A study by the University of Essex in Brighton has shown that even a few square meters of wild meadow are enormously helpful for insects.

    If you use robotic lawnmowers, you are also endangering hedgehogs and other animals.

  • Focus on insect-friendly plants.

    Forsythia is not one of them.

    Crocus, hyacinth, coneflower, squill and lungwort provide food for bees, bumblebees, wasps and butterflies.

  • Plant fruit trees.

    On the one hand, the blossoms of apple trees are valuable for insects such as bees and butterflies, on the other hand, many animals such as great spotted and green woodpeckers, wrynecks, redstarts, little owls and dormouse use the treetops as a shelter, as NABU reports.

Conservation in April: The following birds in particular need your help

The rather inconspicuous wheatear is threatened with extinction in Germany.

He likes open terrain in the mountains or in the lowlands as well as untouched fields and meadows.

If you see the rare bird, you should report it to the Conservation Agency for habitat conservation purposes.

The situation is similar with the tree sparrow, which you can help with nesting sites.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA
