The Limited Times

Russian forces destroy a logistics station containing Western weapons in Odessa

4/23/2022, 6:09:07 PM

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Defense Ministry announced that 22 Ukrainian military installations were targeted with high-precision missiles, including a military station


The Russian Defense Ministry announced the targeting of 22 Ukrainian military facilities with high-precision missiles, including a logistics station near the city of Odessa to store Western weapons, noting that about 200 Ukrainian militants and extremists were killed during the day.

"Long-range and high-precision air-launched missiles have disrupted a logistics station at a military airport near the city of Odessa, where a large batch of foreign weapons from the United States and European countries are stored," ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a press briefing.

Konashenkov added, "High-precision air missiles of the Russian Air Force hit 22 military facilities in Ukraine during the day, which are 3 command and control sites, 11 military reinforcement points, in addition to the places of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces," noting that "the losses of nationalist extremists amounted to more than 200." An individual and more than 30 armored vehicles and vehicles.

Konashenkov added, "In the Ilyichivka and Kramatorsk regions, 3 depots of weapons, military equipment and ammunition were destroyed. In the vicinity of the town of Novaya Dmitrovka, the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system and three radar stations were destroyed."

Konashenkov explained that the operational and tactical aviation of the Russian army and airspace forces over the past 24 hours hit 79 military facilities in Ukraine, which are 6 command centers, 52 concentration and reinforcement areas for Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, in addition to 16 depots of missile, artillery, ammunition and fuel weapons, and 4 missile systems were destroyed. Anti-aircraft fire in the vicinity of the towns of Kurakhovka, Romanovka and Sergievka.

Konashenkov noted that since the beginning of the special military operation, 141 aircraft, 110 helicopters, 541 drones, 264 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,479 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 278 rocket launchers, 1,081 field artillery and mortars and 2,321 special military vehicles have been destroyed.

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