The Limited Times

The wave of terrorism challenges the existence of the government Israel today

4/23/2022, 8:39:15 PM

The role of an alternative government will be to address missile terrorism and riots in Jerusalem in the context of Iran and its affiliates. • Action to eliminate Hamas' military force must be on the agenda

Margaret Thatcher said it all 37 years ago.

"Using calculated barbarism, the (terrorist's) goal is to instill fear in people's hearts and to create fatigue in the fight against terrorism," she said in a speech to the American Bar Association.

"They (the terrorists) see how acts of violence and intimidation dominate the newspaper columns and television screens of the free world. They see how this coverage creates a natural wave of sympathy for the victims and pressure and an end to their plight, regardless of the consequences."

In our case, the phenomenon has recently found a perverted expression;

The murder of Jews and then the psychological pressure of planned riots on the Temple Mount, turn the conscience of some Israelis against themselves.

But the problem is not necessarily the public that is coping well with the calculated pressure exerted by Palestinian terrorist organizations in the month of Ramadan.

The problem now in Israel is the government.

In the days of the shock attacks in Gush Dan and Be'er Sheva, there were still commentators who dared to write about the "leadership challenge."

"Bennett has encountered angry reactions that sometimes border on incitement by the public, while at the same time dealing with a coalition in which it is almost impossible to make dramatic decisions without leading to dissolution," the Bolt news website said.

The conclusion from the whole of the last month is that on the main issue of security, the Bennett-Lapid government is simply not built to lead policy and make difficult decisions.

The right thing to do in the security-political situation in which Israel finds itself is to form a Likud-led government.

A intimidation campaign is being conducted in parallel with the Ramadan riots that the right-wing government will be controlled by Smutrich and Ben Gvir.

It is an artificial attempt to catch the eye in relation to the source of the violence and pressure to which the public is subjected.

Instead of Hamas, they are waving the scarecrow of the far right.

Just not to mention the Islamic elements of violence and the RAAM party on which the government rests.

Gaza challenges sovereignty in Jerusalem

These difficult feelings about the structure of the leadership are also expressed in the polls.

In one of the latest polls by Israel Today, two clear data are hidden: 29% of respondents would like to go to a new election and 27% want another government in the current Knesset.

Overall - 56% oppose the current government.

Only 31% support the continued existence of the government as it is.

But if public opinion does not affect the leaders, the loss of the majority and the "freeze" of RAAM members in the coalition signal that Naftali Bennett has lost a basis for the existence of his government. About half of his small faction has lost faith in his path.

The role of an alternative government will be to address missile terrorism and riots in Jerusalem in the context of Iran and its emissaries.

Action to eliminate Hamas' military force must be on the agenda.

Gaza challenges sovereignty in Jerusalem.

A Hamas defeat in Gaza will also hit Iran hard.

Were we wrong?


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