The Limited Times

A sworn unit off the track too

4/24/2022, 4:03:34 PM

A sworn unit off the track too Created: 04/24/2022, 17:54 They did it again: (back from left) Johanna Billmeir and Lina Bachmann as well as Gaby Hagl (middle) and (front from left) Svea Schütte and Lana Panic. ©Tomic TEAM OF THE YEAR: U16 sprint relay of the LAG Mittlere Isar defends the title. Freising – To be voted Team of the Year is a great honour. Defending that title a year later is an e

A sworn unit off the track too

Created: 04/24/2022, 17:54

They did it again: (back from left) Johanna Billmeir and Lina Bachmann as well as Gaby Hagl (middle) and (front from left) Svea Schütte and Lana Panic.


TEAM OF THE YEAR: U16 sprint relay of the LAG Mittlere Isar defends the title.

Freising – To be voted Team of the Year is a great honour.

Defending that title a year later is an even bigger one.

Four fast sprinters from Freising were able to experience this this year.

The FT readers have once again voted the U16 sprint relay of the LAG Mittlerer Isar as Team of the Year 2021.

In an interview, coach Gaby Hagl's protégés talk about their successes and what makes them special as a relay team:

Lina, how does it feel to be voted Team of the Year for the second time?

Lina Bachmann: Unlike last year, this time it was a real surprise for all of us.

We had to wait a long time for a report from the FT.

In view of the strong competition, we were actually sure that we wouldn't be able to win the title this year.

Really nice that we were actively supported by family, friends and readers and were able to prevail against big clubs.

With Corona, a rather unusual summer season came to an end.

You still had every reason to celebrate.

How did you experience 2021 as a relay?

Johanna Billmeir: First of all, we were happy that relay races were allowed to take place at all and that we could train properly.

In 2020, that was out of the question.

Our absolute highlight, we all agree on that, was the Bavarian Championships for the U16 age group in Hösbach.

We were already looking forward to this competition in advance because we all slept together in Hösbach and were simply together the whole time.

There is a completely different sense of community and an indescribable motivation.

Everything was just right that day: flawless changes, a new best time of 50.59 seconds and, on top of that, the Bavarian championship title.

Of course, we were also happy about the 3rd place at the Bavarian Championships in Erding, especially because we started one age group higher.

As an athlete, you are more of a lone fighter and the architect of your own fortune.

What challenges do you have to face as a squadron?

Svea Schütte: One for all, all for one!

That probably suits us best.

We just get along really well.

I do my normal training in Dorfen, so I'm all the more happy when there's regular relay training in Freising once a week.

The handover of the baton will then be particularly fine-tuned, we are simply wasting too much time here.

Refining technique is a job for your trainer Gaby Hagl.

What role does she play on your team?

Lana Pavic: We wouldn't have made it this far without our trainer.

She is at our side with advice and action in every training session and knows how and what we have to work on.

Even if things don't work out the way we would like, she always has the right answer ready.

On top of that, she is an excellent cook and spoils us with culinary delights at competitions and in training.

Behind every successful athlete is a good coach.

Ms. Hagl, how satisfied are you with your protégés?

Gaby Hagl: Until 2020, the fourth position was filled with changing athletes from our LAG group.

Then the starting position was taken over by Svea for the first time.

We didn't think that we would be running for the title right away in Bavaria.

I'm all the happier for the girls.

Svea is a good starter and Johanna is very ambitious.

Lana is very strong in corners and the transitions to Lina are very good.

Lina can still bite properly at the end.

With Emma Pfluger as a position all-rounder, a fifth sprinter has already recommended for the upcoming relay competitions.

Usually the four fastest LAG girls are seeded.

But no matter which constellation it will ultimately be this year, the troupe gets along and shows great cohesion.

If we still optimize the season changes,

When it comes to goals, the girls agree: This year they want to qualify for the German Championships in the U18 age group.

True to the motto: Being there is everything, but a final is more.