The Limited Times

Alternative investments: these legit players in sulphurous sectors

4/24/2022, 8:45:33 AM

OUR ADVICE - Diversifying your assets into very real assets can be tempting. It is still necessary to know where to invest and the gains that can be expected from it.

Not a week goes by without you receiving by email or seeing an advertisement on social networks to invest and make a fortune in diamonds, rare earths or cattle herds.

To believe that the sector is risk-free and that any actor can improvise as a specialist in these “atypical” assets.

But the reality is quite different.

Only six intermediaries are today authorized to offer such investments to the general public, with a promise of return at stake.

The choice is therefore limited.

All show a link with the land or agriculture since it is a question of investing in dairy cattle, trees or wine.

This handful of intermediaries in "miscellaneous goods" - according to the established term - are the only ones to have registered their offer with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF),

the stock market policeman who also has the task of protecting savers.

Without this prior registration, imperative since 2016 and the…

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