The Limited Times

Bullying: Comicon, sports champions talk to the world of kids

4/24/2022, 1:27:19 PM

Cyberbullying as a scourge difficult to counter, against which the champions of Italian sports history take the field at Comicon. It happens today at the Mostra d'Oltremare in the meeting organized by Open Fiber with the National Observatory for Bullying and Youth Discomfort, founded by the Olympic bronze medalist in Barcelona Luca Massaccesi involving dozens of former great champions of Italian s

Cyberbullying as a scourge difficult to counter, against which the champions of Italian sports history take the field at Comicon.

It happens today at the Mostra d'Oltremare in the meeting organized by Open Fiber with the National Observatory for Bullying and Youth Discomfort, founded by the Olympic bronze medalist in Barcelona Luca Massaccesi involving dozens of former great champions of Italian sport.

"Here at Comicon - explains Massaccesi - there are fantastic young people, thousands of young people from a population of educated people. But many young people today on the web often play with important aspects, the web should not be demonized but there are two important aspects: it is technology which allows us to live even outside our country, because children play with the whole world, but at least 30% of young people live 24 hours a day on the web. them with the heart, without demonizing what they do but explaining that balance is needed like that of sports champions ".

A need provided by worrying data that Massacesi underlines: "75% of children - he says - suffer greater fear in cyber bullying,

because today gangs of young criminals are beating you and filming you to put you on the web.

The work in recent years with university studies on covid followed by the war explain that our children are getting worse, with a 60% surge in cyberbullying and a surge in self-harm, with our children cutting themselves to avoid suffering the product of their discomfort.

In Europe three children are killed a day, it is the second leading cause of death for young people ".

With Massaccesi talking to the boys also Emanuele Blandamura, three-time European champion boxer who left the ring in September 2021: "The important thing today - he explains - is to encourage the boys who can do important things. There are structures and regulations but there are 'it is much more, we think of Einsteint, Ford, who are examples of people who start their life uphill, but then able to change the world. Something that in my small way I did too, experiencing an uphill start and winning titles. I talk to the kids about this, to follow their dreams and they are enthusiastic, they are like sponges. In the schools I made them try an experiment on war, asking them to close their eyes and imagine the war and then its end, I saw their greatest thrill of yelling with joy. "

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Open Fiber