The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Jean-Marie Le Pen believes "there is time to organize the next victory"

4/24/2022, 8:16:04 PM

Jean-Marie Le Pen, honorary president of the National Rally, is disappointed after the defeat of his daughter Marine Le Pen, in the second round of the

He waits, ten long minutes, in silence.

Installed since the beginning of the evening in the sofa in the living room of his house in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine), by the light of a lamp in the shape of a large blue Buddha, Jean-Marie Le Pen digests the results of the second round of the presidential election which have just taken place.

At 93, the honorary president of the National Rally (RN) sketches a frozen smile.

He agrees when he discovers the first results which give 42% to his daughter Marine.

“He is so sad.

He suspected it, but still…”, murmurs with empathy a woman, a longtime friend of the family, who came like so many others to share this evening with “Jean-Marie”.

In this outdated interior, with heavy decoration – a huge stuffed white tiger is installed under the desk – the few guests no longer dare raise their glasses of cider to their lips.

It's no longer the time for parties, jokes, platters of grison meat and pâté sandwiches.

They murmur, scrutinize the patriarch, analyze his silence and his gaze.

“My heart beats for her”

Until he finally comes out of his reserve.

The former boss of the National Front then unfolds a visibly prepared speech: "By re-electing Emmanuel Macron, the French have confirmed their refusal to tear themselves away from a destiny of decadence which undermines them", he says.

He smiles and resumes: “I congratulate Marine Le Pen (…), she knows what I think, that my heart beats for her and for all activists.


Facing him, the huge television screen displays the face of Marine Le Pen.

The candidate gives her speech of defeat.

Still seated, focused, his father nods to his every word.

Activists chant "Marine" at HQ.

He smiles proudly, taps his foot rhythmically.

And then he applauds, finally, when she calls on her supporters to fight for the legislative elections.

Read alsoThe highlights of the evening of the second round

“There is time to organize the next victory, he believes later, installed on the terrace of his house.

Marine Le Pen, Éric Zemmour, Bardella and others are capable of leading this battle!

There, the forces were disproportionate: on one side the head of state and the entire apparatus of power;

on the other, a courageous and seductive opposition, but we will have to go further in terms of rallying and financial commitment…”

Around the glass table on the terrace, under the scent of wisteria, Jean-Marie Le Pen captivates his audience.

He whistles, imitates a blackbird which, he thinks he knows, answers him.

His old friends are there, still fascinated.

He who has often been very hard with her, is he satisfied with his daughter, despite the defeat?

"She did everything she could," he says.

She was very well…”

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