The Limited Times

Yemen: first commercial flight since 2016 postponed

4/24/2022, 8:33:27 AM

What should have been the first commercial flight to take off from Yemen's capital, Sanaa, after six years of war, scheduled for today, has been postponed. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - SANAA, APRIL 24 - What should have been the first commercial flight to take off from the capital of Yemen, Sanaa, has been postponed after six years of war, scheduled for today.

The problem is the lack of authorization, due to a security problem due to the uncertainty about compliance with the ceasefire, nominally in force since the beginning of April.

    The planned flight of the company Yemenia, was supposed to transport a group of sick people to Amman, the capital of Jordan, to receive medical treatment.

But a few hours before the scheduled take-off, Yemenia announced that she had not yet received the permits, letting the passengers have her apologies.

   The company said that the authorization not received, after that of the pro-Iranian Shiite Huthi rebels, who control the capital, is that of the Saudi-led coalition, which "would not have reacted in time," Yemenia said.