The Limited Times

Explosions at ministry in Moldova: Ukraine blames Russia for 'false flag operation'

4/25/2022, 9:04:22 PM

Explosions at ministry in Moldova: Ukraine blames Russia for 'false flag operation' Created: 04/25/2022, 22:59 By: Patrick Mayer An armored military vehicle of the Russian Army in Transnistria. © IMAGO / ITAR-TASS Explosions were reported on Monday evening in a ministry in the Transnistria region, which had broken away from Moldova. The territory borders with Ukraine, the local regime supports

Explosions at ministry in Moldova: Ukraine blames Russia for 'false flag operation'

Created: 04/25/2022, 22:59

By: Patrick Mayer

An armored military vehicle of the Russian Army in Transnistria.


Explosions were reported on Monday evening in a ministry in the Transnistria region, which had broken away from Moldova.

The territory borders with Ukraine, the local regime supports Russia.

Munich/Tiraspol - Explosions in Tiraspol: According to local authorities, the Ministry for State Security in Transnistria in Moldova was shot at.

The authorities announced on Monday evening (April 25) that the building had been fired at with anti-tank ammunition.

There were no deaths or injuries due to a day off.

Explosions in Tiraspol (Transnistria): Ukraine and Moldova blame Russia

Transnistria is a breakaway region from Moldova bordering Ukraine, ruled by a Russian-backed regime.

Internationally, Transnistria is not recognized as an independent entity.

The 14th Russian Guards Army has been stationed in the region, which is home to almost 500,000 people, since the end of the Soviet Union.

It is unclear how many soldiers it has.

After the news broke, Ukraine's intelligence agency accused Russia of conducting "false flag operations" in Transnistria,

The Kyiv Independent


The Moldovan government has described the incident as "an excuse to create tension" in the region.

As the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said in the evening, the Russian secret service plans to continue such operations in order to draw the Russian-dominated area of ​​Moldova on the border with Ukraine into the war.
