The Limited Times

"The quay had disappeared": in Juvisy-sur-Orge, the rupture of a pipe causes chaos

4/26/2022, 8:10:50 PM

The Suez company is currently investigating the cause of Monday's incident, which caused a subsidence and flooding of the roadway on Monday.

A torrent of water and cries.

Nicole, a resident of Juvisy-sur-Orge (Essonne), had a very hectic Monday afternoon.

It is 1:50 p.m. at 1, quai Gambetta, which runs along the Seine, when this septuagenarian hears a great noise coming from outside her apartment building.

“I was about to take my nap.

I leaned out of my seventh-story window.

The wharf was gone and the water was bubbling above the road,” she recalls.

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