The Limited Times

Mali: the junta accuses the French army of "espionage" and "subversion"

4/26/2022, 10:40:28 PM

The military junta in power in Bamako accused the French army on the evening of Tuesday April 26 of "espionage" and "subversion" after the broadcast by...

The ruling military junta in Bamako accused the French army on Tuesday evening of April 26 of




after the French general staff broadcast videos shot by a drone near a base. from central Mali recently returned by France.

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One of the most recent cases of

"violation of Malian airspace"


"the illegal presence of a drone of the French forces, on April 20, 2022, above the Gossi base"

, says a government press release.

from Bamako.

"In addition to espionage, the French forces were guilty of subversion by publishing


false images assembled from scratch in order to accuse

(of the Malian soldiers)

of being the authors of the killings of civilians"


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