The Limited Times

Mediaset, fined 674,000 euros for treating the interview with Rocío Carrasco during protected hours and for covert advertising in 'Sálvame'

4/26/2022, 8:53:17 PM

The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) considers the conflict of Rocío Jurado's daughter a content "inappropriate for children under 12 years of age" and also sanctions the continuous mentions of the Belén Esteban food brand

Mediaset receives two new fines from the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) for infractions related to the broadcast of inappropriate content during protected hours (373,002 euros) and for the broadcast of covert commercial communications (301,356 euros), which make a total of 674,000 euros.

In the first case, the agency considers that Telecinco violated the protection of minors in the audiovisual media on April 15, 2021. It happened during the broadcast of the program

Save me orange

, with the rating “NR7″ in enhanced protection hours, explains the agency in a note on Tuesday.

In this program, audiovisual content was broadcast that, due to the topic addressed (a discussion about the broadcast of an interview with Rocío Carrasco where she talked about her relationship with Antonio David Flores), scenes and images broadcast, "are inappropriate for children under 12 years of age , and can be detrimental to their physical, mental or moral development, ”says the CNMC.

In August 2021, Mediaset was already receiving several fines for a total value of 521,000 euros for dealing with this same topic in its afternoon program on April 8.

The second serious administrative infraction also occurred on Telecinco, during the broadcast of the programs

Sálvame Naranja

, broadcast on April 23, 2021, and

Sálvame Deluxe

, broadcast on May 1, 2021. In them, it is considered as “appearance of communications undercover commercials” the mention of the products and company Los Sabores de la Esteban, SL, owned by Belén Esteban.

In this case, Mediaset has recognized its responsibility and has paid 180,813.60 euros in advance, with the accumulated reduction of 40%, this statement points out.

Mediaset may directly file a contentious-administrative appeal against these resolutions before the National High Court within two months from the day following this notification.

Precisely the National Court confirmed last week a similar fine, this time of 100,000 euros, to Atresmedia for the broadcast of the space

The infiltrated boss

of La Sexta.

The CNMC considered at the time that the delivery issued on May 9, 2019 included promotional content from the company Grupo Abrasador.

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