The Limited Times

Nick Keener Medley: "I'm lucky, proud of the career I've had Israel today

4/26/2022, 8:04:07 AM

Ex-Maccabi Tel Aviv, announces that he will probably retire in the summer at the age of 38: "I will talk to the family and make a final decision" • The sweep from Real Madrid in 2013: "Big disappointment, we believed we could reach the Final Four" • Also: Who played with him and a tip for the critical game tonight at the hall

In the summer of 2012, Nick Keiner signed a medal for Maccabi Tel Aviv after an excellent season at Valencia.

The forward arrived in Israel with high expectations, and the Yellows thought they had earned an excellent player for several years.

In the end, the player had a hard time adapting and was a partner in the loss of the championship to Maccabi Haifa, as well as a mediocre European season that ended in a painful sweep against Real Madrid in the Euroleague quarterfinals.

"I got to play with great professionals in a serious club," he tells Israel Today in a special interview.

"I played with Devin Smith who is a great professional and we are good friends, I am also still in touch with Sylvan Landsberg. I also played with David Logan and Ricky Hickman, Lior Eliyahu and Guy Pnini. Everyone at the club were great people and that is my biggest memory from Maccabi - the people."

Nick Keener Medley and David Logan, Photo: Alan Schieber

That season you opened the top 16 badly and everyone already said you had no chance, and then you went for a crazy run and made it to the quarterfinals almost at the last minute.

"We had a legendary coach like David Blatt and with such a coach it was impossible to give up for a moment, so we kept believing and fighting every game. We had players with strong character, and together with the leadership of the professional team we eventually made it to the quarterfinals."

What do you remember from the series against Real Madrid?

"We were very disappointed because we really wanted to win the series and qualify for the Final Four. I remember we were disappointed because we believed very much in ourselves and our chances to continue. In the end they had a team with a lot of quality and experience and they were better than us."

Keiner-Medley, Photo: Alan Schieber

Maccabi is now 2: 0 behind, what tip can you give them so that they do not lose like you in three games?

"They have a situation similar to ours, they have to take advantage of the fact that they are back in Tel Aviv to continue to fight and win the games at home. Real did their job in Madrid and now it's Maccabi's turn to do the job and defend the house, Maccabi has an amazing hall with great fans and I "I expect them to get their confidence back. I think this series is far from over."

As someone who played here, how significant is the home team for Maccabi?

"Maccabi's pitch is one of the best home pitches in the world. It is very significant for it, the crowd is great, and it can push Maccabi for another game at home. I have experienced very few crowds during my career like in Tel Aviv."

You came to Maccabi with high expectations, today you know how to explain why you did not succeed?

"First of all, I started the season with an injury and for a long time I played with incomplete ability, and after that it took me a while to get into things. The method of play was a big challenge for me, coach Blatt has special defensive schemes and also an offensive method, and I tried to learn and understand my place. "I feel that if I had a little more time I would have felt more comfortable and more confident, and I could have contributed more. I believe that if I had been healthy I would have played much better."

"Of course I do not regret anything. It was a great and instructive experience for me. It was the first time I played in the Euroleague and everything I went through at Maccabi made me a better player."

Keiner Medley, Photo: Oded Karni

Do you remember the loss of the championship to Maccabi Haifa?

"Of course I remember. It was one game on their field, and in such a method anything can happen. In all the leagues I know the championship is decided in series and not one game, I remember they said the league wanted to give all teams a chance so they switched to one game method. Haifa had a good team with "Excellent players like Donta Smith and others, and that evening they were the better team."

Medli, already 38, has moved on to many teams around the world after leaving Maccabi Tel Aviv, until in the last two years he settled in the French team Proves in Ascet. Last season he was a key screw from the team winning the second league championship and promotion to the senior league. So he barely played this season.We caught him this week for a call from France, and Madley announces that he is seriously considering retiring at the end of the season.

"We won the second league championship last season and I started season 16 of my career. I had a knee problem at the beginning of the season so I hardly played, I will probably retire at the end of the season, but I still have to make a decision. I have a contract for next season, but I am already 38 "I have to play this season so I do not know if I will try again. I still have to talk to my family and make a final decision."

Where does the motivation to play for so many years come from?

"I love basketball. I have a great passion for everything related to this game - pre-season, training, atmosphere and of course the games. It all revolves around that passion, I had a long career and I am very proud of it. I know how lucky I am that my profession was basketball "All these years, a lot of people have been happy to be professional athletes. It's hard work, of course, but I feel blessed."

Your decision is not yet final, but let's try to summarize your career.

What is the greatest achievement?

"The championship last season in the second division in France, and the promotion to the senior league were a special experience for me, being a significant part of it at the age of 37. Winning the EuroCup championship with Valencia was also a great achievement. I was more like winning the French Cup with Monaco When I played for Estudiantes. "

The five best players you played with.

"Omar Cook, Nando de Colo, Sylvan Landsberg, Dumantes Savonis, Brandon Davis." 

The best coach you've ever worked with.

"The biggest name I have worked with is of course David Blatt who is a legend and a very smart coach. The best relationship I have had is with Rami Goita, my current coach. He is special and he will go far, maybe even to the NBA."

The player you had the hardest time playing against.

"Turnika Shangalya and Mirza Teltovich".

Looking back, are you happy with the career you had?

"I'm definitely happy, I have no regrets. I came from a small town that before anyone came from there developed a professional basketball career in a serious way, no one came to the NBA or did a European career like me. I feel like I had a great basketball career, I gave "Everything to play 16 seasons until the age of 38, and there is another small chance that I will also play at the age of 39. I feel respect and pride from the professionalism with which I conducted myself and the level at which I was privileged to play during my career."

Do you already know what you will do the day after?

"In recent years I have started investing in projects and ventures in my city, and getting into some small businesses in different fields. I like it and working in front of employees, it's a bit reminiscent of the basketball atmosphere. I prepared myself for the day after, and I'm ready to continue investing, people and business."

When will we see you come to visit Israel?

"I definitely want to do it. I have a little girl and when she grows up she wants to travel with her, and show her the places where I played and spent my career. Then we will definitely come to Tel Aviv."

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