The Limited Times

PSG Women: Hamraoui removed from the group for a week

4/26/2022, 2:40:58 PM

The Parisian midfielder was received on Tuesday by the Parisian leaders after the incidents of the weekend. The club made the decision

PSG's decision fell on Tuesday afternoon: Kheira Hamraoui will not participate in training with the Parisian group until the beginning of next week, i.e. after the Champions League semi-final return against OL (loss 3 -2 one way), scheduled for Saturday evening.

The midfielder of the women's section appeared on Tuesday in Bougival (Yvelines) for the recovery, where she was received by three Parisian leaders: Leonardo, sports director, Angelo Castellazzi, his deputy, and Ulrich Ramé, general manager. .

After an interview lasting several minutes, Kheira Hamraoui was told that the club did not want her to take part in the collective sessions this week.

A way to preserve the serenity of the group before tackling the shock return against the Lyonnaises.

This weekend, the French international had been at the origin of a scuffle in training on the eve of the first leg.

She then did not show up at the start with the Parisian group.

The three leaders also received the other players involved in last Saturday's scuffle: Sandy Baltimore, Kadidiatou Diani or Marie-Antoinette Katoto.

The latter were able to participate in the session on Tuesday afternoon in complete normality after a call for calm.

The whole group was informed of PSG's decision at the end of the day.