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Record-breaking: Holledauer Gruppe steals six maypoles - but now the thieves are under stress

4/26/2022, 6:58:57 PM

Record-breaking: Holledauer Gruppe steals six maypoles - but now the thieves are under stress Created: 04/26/2022, 20:50 These boys and girls have done an exceptional job: Here they can be seen with four of the six stolen maypoles that are stored somewhere in Baumgarten. © private A group of Holledauer managed to steal six different maypoles. But the record loot now also brings some problems wi

Record-breaking: Holledauer Gruppe steals six maypoles - but now the thieves are under stress

Created: 04/26/2022, 20:50

These boys and girls have done an exceptional job: Here they can be seen with four of the six stolen maypoles that are stored somewhere in Baumgarten.

© private

A group of Holledauer managed to steal six different maypoles.

But the record loot now also brings some problems with it.

tree garden

– You have to imagine that: one is a matter of honor, two would not be bad, three – pure madness.

How, if you please, does one come up with the idea of ​​stealing six maypoles at once?

In Baumgarten, out in the beautiful Holledau, a particularly creative spot on earth, they are really going strong this year.

The boys and girls from the Nandlstadt district have already been able to get their hands on half a dozen maypoles, struck them in the middle of nowhere - and now they have a small problem.

Six maypoles: That also means six releases that have to go down the throat.

Six trees to guard.

And: Six owners who want to take revenge over the next few years.

Such a record arouses desires.

Stealing the maypole in Holledau: numerous nights spent for the customs

Nevertheless, anyone who speaks to one of the Maypole Kings of Holledau, let's call him Jonas, might only have an inkling of the great fun that lies behind the people from Baumgarten and the surrounding villages.

None of the organizers want to be named in the newspaper, the hype is already too big at the moment.

"It is important to us to maintain this tradition with all its facets." That's why the young Baumgartners beat their heads up all night.

Between anticipation and caution: Many clubs in the Freising district put up a maypole - others hesitate

Jonas is one of five who have gathered about 40 brave women and men around them and have been setting out for a number of years to – to put it nicely – acquire maypoles.

With everything that goes with it: spying out, preparing, stealing, leaving as few traces as possible.

Sometimes it was one in the last few years, sometimes two, this year: six in number, so far.

"It just happened that way," Baumgartner can't quite explain.

If it works, then it works.

It all started on April 1st, the first official Maibaum-Klau-Day.

On the way home from the Spinnradl party excursion, the thieves-to-be in Altenhausen practically fell at their feet.

And because things were going so well in the city of Freising, the Holledauer followed suit.

Until there were six trees in the end.

"That would have to be unique," one of the chief thieves did some research.

"I can't remember anyone stealing that many times in a year."

Back in the hands of the owners: In order to get their stolen maypole back, the Wolnzach fire brigade had to provide the Baumgartner with beer and snacks.

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Out in Baumgarten they are a well-rehearsed team, everyone has their job.

Five organize, 40 execute.

But why is it going so well this year?

Jonas also has an explanation for this: Because of Corona, most of the Stangerl festivals have been canceled for two years, an unusual number of groups and communities are putting up a tree.

"And a lot of people probably didn't think about stealing, they got a little lazy," says the young man and grins.

That plays into the hands of the thieves.

Whereby such a Maibaumklau is usually not a quick action.

Holledauer steal maypoles: Machines would make too much noise

But what is the big secret now?

Holledauer has to grin mischievously again, like a good sleight of hand Jonas doesn't reveal anything.

Would be even nicer, competition spoils the business.

"It's best not to talk too much about it," Baumgartner lets himself look at the cards, "in the end you need at least 40 people, after all, a tree like that weighs a lot." Machines, that's clear, would cause too much noise on site.

It's only allowed to be a bulldog with a self-built trailer for transport.

The Holledauer have already driven up to 30 kilometers for a tree this year.

These are the unofficial Maibaumklau rules

Nothing is written down, but in Bavaria there are a few rules that anyone who wants to become a real maypole thief has to follow.

It is not allowed to steal until April 1st, and the bar may not be damaged – painted or not – under any circumstances, be it during the theft itself, during transport or during storage.

In addition, if you want to go on a foray, you have to set up a tree at home yourself.

Nothing must be damaged at the storage location of the potential theft tree either.

It is also a big taboo to steal trees that are still in the forest (e.g. to dry).

And when is a tree considered stolen?

When he has passed the owner's home town sign.

Except: The owner was faster and had his hand on it beforehand, then the tree is returned to the storage location.

The thieves' squad then always reports to the owner for the release.

If an owner does not want to release his tree, it can be set up as a tree of shame - then painted completely in black.


With six trees, it also becomes clear that there is now a lot to tell.

One, from the village community in Attaching, also practically fell at the Baumgartners' feet, somewhere in Vötting there was an abandoned stick lying around.

The tree was quickly saddled up, but it took a long time to find the owner.

The release claim finally wanted to be served.

Things were tricky in Pfrombach (Moosburg town): The owners had hung the tree five meters up from a barn, and next door a whole herd of cows acted as a formidable watchdog.

"We had to be extremely quiet," reported Jonas.

They managed it anyway, with muscle power and a large portion of experience, the prey finally lay in Baumgarten.

When the trigger is released, the duration of the Holle is mild, it should be a snack and a little beer, nothing more.

"We're doing it mainly because of tradition," the young lad softens.

The thieves are now under a lot of stress

But now things are tricky for Baumgartner: Six maypoles were lying at home in the meantime and also wanted to be guarded, after all it would be the Bavarian supergau if the thieves lost just one of the sticks.

Then, you have to be honest in the scene, you are the absolute maypole dork.

"It's already a bit stressful," reports Jonas from everyday life as a maypole thief.

Some owners take their time – not stupidly – ​​with the release, and the stolen sticks are coveted stolen goods.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

“We have almost become a small place of pilgrimage, many are trying to do it now,” reports Baumgartner.

Potential thieves from the district of Landshut are standing at one of the town entrances, and at the other one somewhere from Freising.

In between: the local group, who look at everything with relish and grin at each other.

Because: No chance, "they don't even have to try", Jonas puts the brakes on all ambitions.

In Baumgarten they have the Guardian panacea.

Maypole stealing: Holledauer's own tree is still hidden in the forest

And your own tree, which will be erected in the center of the village on Sunday from 11 a.m.?

If it's still in the woods, Jonas immediately dismisses it.

Was that bogus?

Big word of honor for maypole thieves, the statutes of the maypole group stipulate that the local tree is only taken out of the forest and prepared the day before May 1st.

And according to the Baumklau tradition, no stick may be stolen from the forest.

doesn't help.

Whether it's over after six trees, Jonas doesn't know himself yet - or understandably doesn't want to talk about it much.

"It's getting tough, everyone is even more careful." The crook story from the Hallertau has just gotten around.

In addition, many trees have now been painted blue and white, "that doesn't make it any easier either, because nothing can break." But who knows, maybe they have a solution for that in Baumgarten.

That's clear, no one would be surprised after six trees.

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