The Limited Times

The Civil Guard investigates a mixture of Esther López's DNA with that of the main suspect and a third person

4/26/2022, 8:53:04 PM

The scrambled genetic trail of three people was found in an "unusual" area: the trunk of Óscar S. One of the axes of the investigation of the death of Esther López in Traspinedo (Valladolid) is found in a trunk. The tracking of the car of Óscar S., friend of the victim and main suspect, allowed to find a sample of genetic material of these two people mixed with that of an unknown person, in whose identification the Civil Guard is now working. The summary opened for the death of the woman from

One of the axes of the investigation of the death of Esther López in Traspinedo (Valladolid) is found in a trunk.

The tracking of the car of Óscar S., friend of the victim and main suspect, allowed to find a sample of genetic material of these two people mixed with that of an unknown person, in whose identification the Civil Guard is now working.

The summary opened for the death of the woman from Valladolid, whose body was found in a ditch on February 5, reveals that the investigators collected "in the mouth of the trunk" of Óscar's Volkswagen T-Roc a biological trace of Esther "mixed with that of the investigated party and at least a third taxpayer”.

The Civil Guard considers it necessary to delve into this discovery made "in such an unusual place" as the car chest, in order to find out how that DNA got there,

The Civil Guard has identified in its reports the sample with the crossing of biological traces as "mixture 8".

In it, the DNA of the deceased and that of Óscar S, but also that of an unknown person, have been identified without any doubt.

In that sample found in the trunk there is "a mixture of genetic profiles of at least three people."

"His discovery of him in such an unusual place requires further study of that trunk and the rest of the vehicle," the armed institute wrote in a report dated April 4.

Investigators did, in fact, retrace their steps and take more samples from the car on April 8.

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The mixed sample has already been compared with others extracted directly from the body of Esther López herself and with the one provided by the three investigated.

One of them is Óscar S., who testified on Monday before the judge investigating the case in Valladolid;

while the other two are Ramón G., a man who was detained for six days at the beginning of the police work, but on whom suspicions have apparently disappeared with the progress of the investigations, and Carlos G., also a friend of the victim and what happened to Óscar and Esther the last night she was seen alive.

Those responsible for the case have also analyzed the vehicle to verify if "it has been involved in some type of accident or run over compatible with the one that the victim may have suffered."

His study has made it possible to question the arguments of the suspect, who denied some displacements that the technology of the car has evidenced.

In addition, he has revealed some calls to an old telephone number of Esther López many minutes after, supposedly, having argued with her and that she got off on a road that leads to the town of Valladolid, about 300 meters from where he was finally found. his body, at a crime scene that investigators believe "may have been modified or simulated."

The report of the Civil Guard has weakened with the geolocations of Esther and Óscar's mobiles the version of this, which maintained that he stopped being with the 35-year-old woman, half an hour before his phone was located by the repeater poles telephone station near Óscar's home in Traspinedo.

Óscar S. was also recorded by the security cameras of a Valladolid gas station on the afternoon of January 13, about 12 hours after the telephone antennas placed the victim and suspect near the man's family home.

The man thoroughly washed his car for a quarter of an hour in a car wash.

The person under investigation, who on the morning of January 12 to 13 (date of death) put his phone on airplane mode on several occasions so as not to leave evidence of his activity, also tried to "hide a new trip to Traspinedo" from Valladolid by leaving your phone turned on in the capital.

But, again, the car's communications technology places him in the house where, apparently, 18 hours earlier he had been in the company of the woman.

Thus, the man tried to "surreptitiously" hide his movement from the city to his town, the researchers believe.

The judge kept him free on Monday, although as an investigator for the death of Esther López.

The police advances will reveal if this friend of the victim is involved in what happened with the woman from Valladolid.

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