The Limited Times

After the visit: the University of Göttingen calls on Schröder to resign his honorary doctorate

4/27/2022, 7:16:42 PM

Gerhard Schröder attended the University of Göttingen. The university has now announced that the former chancellor should do his honorary doctorate. The reason: his attitude to Putin's war against Ukraine.

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Former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

Photo: The New York Times/Redux/laif / The New York Times/Redux/laif

The Georg-August University in Göttingen has asked former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) to resign his honorary doctorate.

This was announced by the university.

Schröder had previously been there for talks.

Against the background of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which represents a breach of international law, the foundation university is consistently following the political directive to put all university and research cooperation as well as economic transactions with Russia on hold, as the statement states.

»For the University of Göttingen it is therefore incomprehensible that with the former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, an outstanding alumnus and honorary doctor of our university, even after weeks of bitter acts of war and an ever worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, does not clearly name the criminal war of aggression as such and his activities in Russian companies can at least rest,” it said.

Discussions could not allay the university's concerns

Holding on to offices in the economic apparatus of the aggressor is incompatible with the university's mission statement.

"Conversations with him, in which he also described his efforts to end the war, could not allay our concerns, even though we welcome every effort to end the illegal war of aggression as soon as possible."

The natural science faculties awarded Schröder the title in 2005 because during his time as Prime Minister of Lower Saxony (1990-1998) he was extremely committed to promoting natural sciences at the university.

In addition, as Federal Chancellor, he provided important impetus for a debate on the life sciences and thus contributed to a critical examination of biotechnology and life sciences.

Schröder himself had studied law at the university.


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